Example sentences of "had already [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The judge , Mr Justice Humphrey Potts , said he would have put Casabona behind bars for two years but he had already served an equivalent term on remand .
2 She turned to find her companions had already begun the final march to the castle .
3 Now they sat eagerly on the rows of brittle gilt chairs with red velvet seats , their exquisitely made-up faces carefully devoid of expression as they made brief notes on their programmes , pretending not to notice that sometimes the clicking cameras were directed not at the catwalk models , all of whom had already done a photo-call session for the photographers the previous day , but at them — the society women of America and the international circuit , the bored charity conscious wives of big businessmen , the famed actresses of stage and screen , even the occasional European princess .
4 Although nobody outside the club gave us a prayer of winning , the lads had already done the difficult part of the job by turning the tide at Anfield .
5 Mr Ross had already built a substantial business when he began to approach banks for additional funding .
6 By that time , the French had already built an extensive network in North Africa , the Uganda Railway was under construction , the Germans had begun their railways in both Tanganyika and South West Africa , and the British had driven their railway through the Sudan as part of their reconquest of the upper Nile .
7 The latter had already built an international reputation in railway and allied engineering .
8 Clinton also admitted that , despite his objections to the war , he did not wish to resist the draft because he had already planned a political career and , therefore , wished " to maintain my political viability within the system " .
9 The humanist Renaissance of the late Middle Ages had already witnessed the gradual emergence of reasoning independent of the church .
10 He had already witnessed the incredible speed of his lethal opponent , and also of his fellow oriental whom he had shot and killed in the Control Room .
11 Whitlock scrambled to his feet but by the time he reached the fence the gunman had already crossed the twenty-yard clearing and disappeared into a derelict warehouse .
12 He had already crossed the whole length Of the hall and was pressed close to two rabbits , a buck and doe , each of whom was fully as large as Cowslip .
13 When four Picassos stolen last year from the National Gallery were recovered ( see The Art Newspaper No. 9 , June 1991 , p. 2 ; No. 11 , October 1991 , p. 2 ) , one had already crossed the German border to Bayreuth .
14 In the defence of Verdun , it will be recalled , de Castelnau had already rendered an invaluable service in the ‘ Intermediary Line ’ , hastily constructed as a result of his coup d'oeil in January , and — had there been time for the completion of the Third Position that he had also prescribed then — there seems a chance that the German breakthrough on the 24th might have been prevented altogether .
15 He almost immediately led a breakaway of members into a Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union at a wage of £pound2 a week and made common cause with Alderman " Tommy " Lewis , who had already led a similar breakaway in Southampton to form the British Seafarers ' Union with which Shinwell 's union merged .
16 The plan , finalized earlier in the month by Portuguese , Soviet and United States diplomats , had already received a broad measure of acceptance from UNITA .
17 The possibility that the sample 's previous convictions simply reflected persistent petty offending can be discounted because over a third had already received a custodial sentence ( 37 per cent ) ; a further fifth community service ( 20 per cent ) ; and nearly another fifth a probation or supervision order ( 17 per cent ) .
18 Following Howe 's personal statement on Nov. 13 , Heseltine on the following day abandoned his earlier position that he would not stand against Thatcher , claiming that he was best placed to win back former Conservative voters , that he had the better prospect of leading the Conservative Party to a fourth successive general election victory and so of preventing " the ultimate catastrophe of a Labour victory in a general election " , and that he had already received the committed support of 100 MPs .
19 For South Wales , Llantrisant had already received the Royal Mint , but its New Town designation was withdrawn .
20 The revolution of 1905 had already demonstrated the explosive contradiction implicit in imperialism : the control by a handful of monopolistic capitalist syndicates of vast industrial enterprises employing hundreds of thousands of impoverished proletarians .
21 Park City received 71cm of snow earlier in the week , a bonanza for recreational skiers but causing a headache for organisers who had already constructed a firm course from artificial snow .
22 Owen Barfield , both in conversation and in writing , had already gone a long way in revealing to Lewis the fallacy of making sharp distinctions between ‘ myth ’ and ‘ fact ’ .
23 The Honourable Alexander Augustus had already made a favourable impression by raising an eyebrow at the antics and constructions of Mr Pocklington on the islands of Derwent Water .
24 David Norman — a graduate of Eton , McGill and Harvard Business School — had already made a controversial impact on the British search business before setting up his own firm , which now enjoys an annual fee income of over £5m. , ranking in second place behind Russell Reynolds in the pecking order of Britain 's highest-earning headhunters .
25 I had already made an extensive study of the various methods of language teaching , purely as a hobby , and run a few short courses from my home during the holiday season .
26 It is generally for the suspect , and no-one else , to decide whether he wants legal advice , and D had already made an informed decision to do without it .
27 Synthesis of the oligonucleotides required as primers in the reaction had already become a commonplace procedure .
28 Love had already become an impersonal sport , an itch to be satisfied .
29 By the time of the Japanese coup on 9 March 1945 the US had already become an important actor in the play that was to determine the future of Vietnam .
30 She drew the pan of milk off the fire and carrying it over to the table , quickly poured it into a pint pot into which she had already spooned a generous measure of treacle .
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