Example sentences of "had at least [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
2 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
3 The famously awful Labour manifesto of 1983 had at least a certain integrity .
4 Two — Parkin 's wife and Jim Lancaster — had both opportunity and motive to murder Nicola while the third , Jane Pargeter , had at least a conceivable motive .
5 After all , Snow forcefully reminded us that science had at least an equal claim to that of the humanities in the full development of the mind of the student : they were two cultures , formally equal in status .
6 For all that , it disturbs me to see him portrayed as Hüsker Dü 's creative force when Grant Hart had at least an equal hand in writing their material .
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