Example sentences of "had previously [be] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Daniels , the first layman to become Headmaster of Stockport Grammar School , was a Cambridge graduate and a first-class Mathematician ( fifth Wrangler in 1891 ) , and had previously been Head of Physics and Head of Mathematics at Nottingham High School .
2 They met at a café near the opera , and Arnoux urged his political chief Albert Sarraut to meet this remarkable young man ( Sarraut had previously been Governor-General of Indo-China ) .
3 Sinan ( Emir Hasan ) , who appears to have served continuously from 959/1552 to Shawwal 964/August 1557 and who had previously been kadi of Aleppo : It is worth noting that the kadiliks in the list are divided into two distinct grades — though if Hezarfen is right , they do not seem to correspond , at least in the way one would expect , to " 300- and 500-akce " kadiliks — and it is no$ impossible that the order as given above represents the order of precedence , with Istanbul at the top and Baghdad at the bottom .
4 Another reader brought in the 1960 European Cup semi-final programme between Dundee and Milan to underline one of the connections Dundee manager Bob Shankly had previously been gaffer at Stirling .
5 There were related changes in the state sphere and a wholesale ‘ inter-nationalization ’ and associated ‘ de-industrialization ’ of areas and enterprises which had previously been strongholds of Fordism .
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