Example sentences of "had be sent to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The beggars had been sent to the caracol .
2 The master reported to the Board that a young woman named Annie H. had been sent to the workhouse immediately after her confinement by her mistress , Miss M. , of Woburn Road , and the clerk to the Board was directed to call the attention of the lady to the serious risk incurred by her in so doing .
3 His father , Robert Robinson , 58 , of Sidney Street , Saltcoats , claimed that an injection given to his son in hospital by a senior doctor killed him and if he had been sent to the neurosurgery unit at the Southern General in Glasgow he would have still been alive .
4 Pearce v Foster indicated why it was that if the original affidavit or a copy made by the employee had been sent to the solicitors , that would not have been privileged from disclosure by the first and second defendants , although sent to the solicitors for the purpose of advising them on their position against the employee .
5 His grandfather had been sent to the stars in 1912 , when they still knew how to raise megaliths " the old-fashioned way " , which Ranteallo ruefully confessed to us was damn well more than he could do for his father now .
6 He had been sent to the school when a small child and had not heard from them since .
7 You know , Mrs Winkowski , girls will talk , and I suppose it was during one of Millie 's lonely periods while under the sisters that she confided in Annabel why she had been sent to the school .
8 The medical officer also said that the body of a friendless inmate , ‘ not belonging to this Union ’ , had been sent to the School of Anatomy at Cambridge ; the House Committee noted the fact without comment .
9 But Mr Stewart maintained the fault was with the plane and wrong signals had been sent to the flightdeck .
10 If the communication had been sent to the Paternoster Review , it had almost certainly been sent to other papers or journals , possibly to some of the nationals .
11 Then Nicu had been sent to the country 's second city , Sibiu , as leader of its Communist Party and de facto head of the local administration .
12 The first defendant learnt of this but also became aware that no copy of his report had been sent to the tribunal or was on the plaintiff 's file at the hospital .
13 After the catalogue had been sent to the printer , Sotheby 's asked the Oxford Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art to try thermoluminescent dating on two pieces .
14 Three Spanish naval vessels which had been sent to the Gulf were removed from the combat area on the outbreak of war .
15 In Egypt , where 36,000 troops had been sent to the Gulf , opposition was less evident .
16 ‘ A year later Hugh Butterworth , chief executive of Clark Whitehill , wrote to him saying that a copy of Mr Young 's will , which included names of most of the investors , had been sent to the Revenue without Clark Whitehill 's permission . ’
17 After the items had been sent to the laboratory , Wickham suggested they congratulate themselves with a visit to one of the unprepossessing local pubs .
18 The security forces had been sent to the bank to escort Naim to a meeting with Khazen to discuss the bank 's refusal to advance money to pay for a contract to print 1,000,000 passports .
19 He would have had to herd with less congenial characters than gamblers if he had been sent to The Fleet or the Marshalsea .
20 They had been sent to the group as part of a fur " amnesty " sponsored by them .
21 Mr Dale Campbell-Savours , Labour MP for Workington , claims that the leak inquiry , which followed publication of parts of the report in a special edition of the Observer , discovered that copy 26 had been sent to the paper 's owners , Lonrho .
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