Example sentences of "had [vb pp] in [art] early [num] " in BNC.

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1 The satellite was first conceived as a successor to the ANS ( Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ) which the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs ( NIVR ) had flown in the early 1970s .
2 Myln was a former priest , who had abjured in the early 1540s .
3 In the final analysis there would be a dramatic decline in population , with deaths exceeding births — a foretaste of which had occurred in the early 1930s .
4 This was a need that Pat Bateson , Gabriel Horn and I had hammered out in many long discussions about our imprinting experiments , and which we had tried to meet in practice in the design of the controls we had used in the early 1970s .
5 The fortunes of the coffee and tea industries have already been discussed above , and it uncertain whether Kandyans in coffee districts had by 1900 recovered the standard of living which they had attained in the early 1870s .
6 The late 1950s and early 1960s were the heyday of the economic boom that Western Europe had entered in the early 1950s .
7 Repayment in full of Romania 's foreign debt , which had peaked in the early 1980s at more than US$11,000 million , had been a priority of the Ceausescu regime in its last years and had been accomplished by April 1989 [ see p. 36622 ] .
8 They used the skills acquired during the social science degree courses many of them had followed in the early 1970s to scrutinize rule books and exploit every line and loophole in their favour .
9 During this period the European Communities exerted pressure by warning that any military intervention would entail the cancellation of EC credits and assistance to Yugoslavia , as had happened in the early 1980s when Turkey had declared martial law [ see pp. 30541-55 ] .
10 The downward trend in the proportionate use of imprisonment which had begun in the early 1950s halted in the mid-1970s , In fact the turning point can be located quite clearly in 1974 .
11 But when the Central Policy Review Staff ( the ‘ Think Tank ’ ) had suggested in the early eighties that they mount a full-scale investigation into the practices and abuses of the professions , they discovered that the influence of the lawyers upon Number 10 was so strong that the proposal was sat upon and then returned , with a suggestion they confine themselves to teachers and social workers .
12 His wife Mary , daughter of George Tattershall of Finchampstead , Berkshire , whom he had married in the early 1660s , died 7 November 1695 , and Howard himself died 31 March 1713 , both being buried in Dorking church .
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