Example sentences of "his head from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Conversation was not easy : " Eliot turned his head from speaker to speaker , with a slight jerk , emitting a nervous tic " yes " or " hmm " every few seconds .
2 He stood in a familiar , flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips and his chin stuck out , constantly turning his head from left to right and back again , to take in his entire audience .
3 Surely he would come down the street from this direction , she would soon see him , turning his head from left to right to make sure nobody was there to witness their assignation .
4 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
5 The German stopped moving his head from side to side and looked at me .
6 He had started moaning again and moving his head from side to side .
7 For the first time he stopped grinning , and , resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands , began to shake his head from side to side .
8 He swung his head from side to side , trying to get rid of that image of the girl he had known as Stella Maris holding a baby in her arms .
9 He turned his head from side to side trying to line up his patchy vision with the brown paper package — wherever that was .
10 He swung his head from side to side .
11 He swung his head from side to side like a dangerous animal about to attack , and then abruptly he released his grip .
12 Lucien rolled his head from side to side upon the wooden bench .
13 Matthew shook his head from side to side as though trying to make a comprehensive denial .
14 Sladen was looking from George to Husband and back again , twitching his head from side to side like a tennis umpire .
15 ‘ Very beautiful music , ’ said Balvinder Singh , who had appeared by my side , and was now wobbling his head from side to side in rapt appreciation .
16 He began turning his head from side to side as he ran , to locate the source of the unknown danger .
17 She leaned down from the horse and he did n't flinch as she grabbed his long hair and shook his head from side to side .
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