Example sentences of "his [noun sg] as [adv] as possible " in BNC.

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1 We had to get him telling his story as soon as possible .
2 The knight had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a head-on collision with his opponent , but at the same time he had to couch his lance to his side as tightly as possible with his hand and under his arm so that the lance blow was struck with all the weight and momentum of his horse behind it , for if in swerving aside he moved his hand or used his arm to thrust at his opponent then a blow delivered in this manner would have no effect whatever .
3 You have to make sure every time that the patient takes his weight as evenly as possible on both legs , with his trunk and arms in the right position .
4 To ensure an employee becomes effective in his work as soon as possible , briefing on the areas mentioned above is most important but no matter how much business information is provided in advance , the expatriate can not give full attention to his work if he or members of his family suffer culture shock as a result of living in a strange environment .
5 James 's parents , who before yesterday 's hearing had pleaded for calm , appealed to be allowed to hold his funeral as soon as possible .
6 Then he climbed into the Land Rover beside his two passengers and drove off fast , with the aim of abandoning Jamie to the custody of his aunt as quickly as possible .
7 In the first few years in a district the officer learns about his territory as thoroughly as possible .
8 The trick was to get this bitch out of his life as soon as possible .
9 He finished his cocoa as quickly as possible and he was about to leave when to his surprise Mr Grover began pulling the blind down over his shop door .
10 Her heartbeat quickened when she saw that Andrew Walker had telephoned twice that morning , and would like her to return his call as soon as possible .
11 By treating his subject as widely as possible , by seeing it in terms of the history of war , rather than as the more narrowly defined military history , the modern student will come to understand it in its many facets and complexities .
12 Charles breaks his arm on the polo field , incurring Diana 's wrath by ignoring medical advice and getting back on to his pony as soon as possible .
13 Clearly Leopold had been interceding on Wolfgang 's behalf , in the hope of getting him home and back under his jurisdiction as soon as possible .
14 His appetite for fights and , of course , making money is such that he wants to make his pile as quickly as possible and get out . ’
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