Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] election " in BNC.

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1 Fresh from his defeat in the gubernatorial election in Louisiana in November [ see p. 38566 ] , David Duke on Dec. 4 announced his candidature for the Republican nomination .
2 Given that , in 1837 , Buxton initially opposed an immediate move against apprenticeship it is doubtful how much deference would have been shown his leadership by the convention , but he had anyway lost his seat at the recent election .
3 Anxiety is growing over the Government 's commitment to energy sources such as wind , wave and solar power since Colin Moynihan , the Energy Minister who championed the cause , lost his seat at the general election .
4 He was thus a particular target for the Tories , and according to his own account lost his seat at the 1702 election after a specific campaign against him inspired by the Tory leaders .
5 He often raises that subject , and we understand his desperation about what will happen to his seat at the next election .
6 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
7 AT Books Etc in Victoria Street , opposite Victoria Station yesterday , I spotted Chris Patten , the Conservative chairman who , in the wake of losing his seat in the General Election , has now been offered the governorship of Hong Kong .
8 International : Hong Kong : If the hat fits This weekend , Chris Patten , Tory Party chairman who lost his seat in the general election , is taking a break in France to consider a new job offer — the Governorship of Hong Kong .
9 His health never having recovered after imprisonment seven years before , he died in Bovey Tracey , Devonshire , from a heart attack 12 November 1924 , shortly after retaining his seat in the general election .
10 Health Minister Yeo Cheow Tong was given the additional post of acting Minister of Community Development , replacing Seet Ai Mee , the only minister to lose his seat in the general election .
11 Berri , who had held ministerial posts in a number of Cabinets during the 1980s and 1990s , replaced Hussein al-Husseini who had resigned in August after losing his seat in the general election [ see p. 39071 ] .
12 When my hon. Friend returns to his desk after the next election has been won by the Conservatives , will he bear it in mind that in the past 10 years west Lancashire has benefited greatly from being a development area ?
13 Councillor Bookbinder was his opponent at the last election , if I am not mistaken , and I am sure that he at least doubled my hon. Friend 's majority .
14 That is one more reason why , across the south , there has been a greater swing to Labour than in any other region and why , I must point out to the hon. Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) , who seeks to speak for my native county , we look forward to a smashing victory in his constituency at the next election .
15 But his personality — assertive and brash yet essentially both cheerful and tough — gradually communicated itself to the public and helped him to his greatest triumph : his victory in the 1948 election .
16 Patricio Aylwin Azócar , 71 , due to take office as President on March 11 following his victory in the presidential election on Dec. 14 , 1989 [ see p. 37117 ] , announced his prospective Cabinet on Jan. 9 .
17 It briefly reviewed Berowne 's previous career as a barrister , his first unsuccessful attempt to enter Parliament , his success at the 1979 election , his phenomenal rise to junior ministerial rank , his probable standing with the Prime Minister .
18 Her father , another member of the Parliamentary class of ‘ 64 , was NW Durham 's Labour MP until succeeded by his daughter at the last election .
19 Spennymoor Liberal Democrat Ben Ord has written to party leader Paddy Ashdown praising his performance during the General Election .
20 The disciplinary control exercised by these groups is usually powerful , for if any member breaks away and acts contrary to the decisions of the group on any important issue he will probably lose the support of his party at the next election .
21 Witness the attempt to use the impeachment process against Lincoln 's successor , Andrew Johnson ; the defeat of Wilson over the Treaty of Versailles and the routing of his party in the 1920 election .
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