Example sentences of "not simply [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not simply a question of distance : hundreds of miles in America can be crossed faster than 30 in crowded Japan .
2 It is not simply a question of availability of space , but of a belief that , as one mother put it , ‘ I like to wake up in the night and see all my family around me . ’
3 It was not simply a question of age and hierarchy .
4 Privatisation , however , is not simply a case of alienation from the impersonal technical world of modernity .
5 But the invisibility of women in the sociology of deviance is not simply a mirror of reality .
6 It was not simply a payment of part of the debt .
7 For everyone who lost his faith , there must have been at least another who went to outcast London or to darkest Africa to convert the faint and hungry heathen ; there was a great deal of Christian confidence , and not simply a Church in retreat before agnostic scientists .
8 Social dislocation , of course , is not simply a function of unemployment .
9 The escalating conflict in Northern Ireland is not simply a function of deprivation and discrimination ( Hewitt , 1981 ; Kovalcheck , 1987 ) , but a political response to increasing state repression .
10 The communist party in Nizan 's eyes was not simply a refuge from oppression .
11 But whereas they concluded from this that it was desirable to devise institutional checks on the will of the majority , Rousseau accepted the principle of majority decisions but tried to envisage conditions under which the majority would truly represent the community as a whole and not simply a collection of group or individual interests .
12 For example , it is not simply a drop in pH that has caused salmon and rainbow trout to disappear from thousands of Scandinavian rivers , and several large lakes .
13 Armed with the suggestions of Harré , Veblen and others we can now see that postmodernism is not simply a product of capital movements or recent developments in the industrial economy such as consumer-led , ‘ flexible ’ , forms of production .
14 The change was not purely physical , not simply a matter of dress .
15 But further it must be said , in response to the conservative position , that it was not simply a matter of whim or chance that women were not in the past ordained .
16 It was not simply a matter of timing , for there is evidence of preparing for the moment by building up the organisation and , most important , a strike fund .
17 Except under artificially reduced circumstances , variables are in continuous interaction , and this interaction is not simply a matter of addition .
18 It is not simply a matter of quality or justice .
19 It was not simply a matter of counter action , for the chapel with its meetings , services , love-feasts , etc. became in itself a centre of non-work-time activities and as the nineteenth century advanced , a deliberate purveyor of counter attraction .
20 The variation in people 's need for support , and in the capacity of relatives to provide it , is not simply a matter of demography or the force of economic circumstances .
21 The point , therefore , is to validate Marxism , to show that it is not simply a method of interpretation , nor even that it is the best method of interpretation that can most successfully account for the facts and the course of history , but to prove a priori that history works according to dialectical structures , and to demonstrate ‘ the moments of their inter-relations , the ever vaster and more complex movement which totalises them and , finally , the very direction of the totalization , that is to say , the ‘ meaning of History ’ and its Truth , ( I , 69 ) .
22 Yeah bu bu but all I 'm saying is though it 's not , they 're not it 's not simply the idea of class it 's the idea that
23 Risk management is not simply the reduction of risk , although this is the intended result .
24 To Bernstein this demonstrates not simply the convention of explicitness which the middle-class child has learnt and has recognised as appropriate for this context , but the development of ‘ elaborated code ’ with all its associations of abstraction , logic etc .
25 However , it is not simply the type of service or resource which distinguishes one form of prevention from another .
26 There is a large measure of agreement within the literature that the structure of bargaining which becomes associated with a particular country 's industrial relations system is not simply the result of chance occurrence or historical accident , but develops instead because of identifiable forces .
27 Contrary to what one might expect , it was not simply the result of employer strategy .
28 This interdependence was not simply the outcome of company imposition : had direct compulsion by the employers been the crucial mechanism , political quiescence would probably not have resulted , as illustrated by the resistance of Kent miners to buttyism ( Goffer , 1977 ) and that of Doncaster area miners to village stratagems ( Gibbon , 1988 ) .
29 The underclass in Dahrendorf 's account is not simply the product of unemployment .
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