Example sentences of "not a matter [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Links between nuclear power and the incidence of cancer was not a matter of specific concern in that review .
2 The heart of Liberalism is the understanding that progress is not a matter of mechanical contrivance , but of the liberation of living spiritual energy .
3 Second , the patient 's right to self-determination , in other words , becomes not a matter of legal principle , but rather a consequence of the degree of paternalism exercised by the doctor , supported by societal attitudes which reinforce such paternalism .
4 Despite all the detailed criteria set out for assessment , despite the emphasis on course-work , in the end ‘ high ’ GCSE will be familiar enough , and the transition to A level not a matter of genuine difficulty .
5 This is not a matter of poor teaching , for such students can be the despair of conscientious teachers .
6 There is nothing unique about this ; men are compelled by law to do it in almost every English village , and it is not a matter of one ghost or two , but a whole rout of them — quiet chaps in cowls , roaring boys in ruffs , ladies in farthingales .
7 This knowledge is not a matter of personal belief , but of a simple historical fact .
8 It is not a matter of simple sufferance on parents ' evenings , with their lingering conventions that parents should not be encouraged to ask too many questions .
9 In some emergencies , as when a young child tends ( despite previous explanations and warnings ) to rush out into the street , the point made above is not a matter of primary concern .
10 The amnesia , it seems , was not a matter of political persuasion — politicians on the left and right are now calling for a re-examination of the period — but the reflex of a generation .
11 This was not a matter of political convenience .
12 This was not a matter of individual strength but of territorial ownership .
13 Dropping reference is not a matter of tentative acceptance of an unlikely position , but of doctrinal insistence .
14 Affluence was not a matter of gold-plated bath taps or Daimlers or tooth-brushes or mink-handled beer can openers — though these were available — it was a matter of 531 competing brands of coffee or 249 brands of washing powder on the American market , whose only raison d'être was that a change of packaging and advertising ( New Wonder Ingredient ! ) gained them shelf space in the supermarkets until the next brand came along .
15 But the issue was still a tactical one , as it had been for Marx ; national liberation was a means to support or obstruct the unity of the working class and the achievement of socialist revolution in Russia , not a matter of general principle .
16 Where the sting is not a matter of general knowledge , its defamatory capacity is judged by its impact upon ordinary readers who have such knowledge — if the plaintiff can first prove that such persons were amongst the actual readership .
17 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
18 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
19 I may talk of experiencing a sly , unpleasant look as a leer , but this is not a matter of some sensation accompanying my seeing the look .
20 Resistance was not a matter of patriotic feeling but of calculation , of patriotic responsibility .
21 Whether one agrees with the sentiments expressed by Wilson and Morgan on the one hand or the President 's Commission and Braithwaite on the other is not a matter of blind prejudice , but of weighing carefully the relevant evidence .
22 The concept of power for Foucault is intimately connected with that of ‘ knowledge ’ , which in turn is not a matter of objective truth separable from power relations .
23 Law , the realists argued , was not a matter of abstract logic but a practical exercise in social engineering .
24 The actual income of a kadi depended not only — or even principally — on his allowance , of course , but also on fees of various kinds ; and it may well be that if indeed the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to receive allowances of only 300 akce a day down to Hezarfen 's time , they did so because their allowances represented a relatively insignificant proportion of the monies they actually received , so that raising them to match the importance of the kadiliks was not a matter of particular moment .
25 But Roman catholic adoption agencies , the source for the majority of children awaiting adoption , are not obliged to assign baptized Roman catholic children to such couples , and whether they do or not is not a matter of public knowledge .
26 How she had learned that he had the painting , which was not a matter of public knowledge , is unknown .
27 Another sporting triumph followed hard upon the conquest of Everest and gave added reassurance to the nation , especially those steeped in the amateur spirit for whom the demolition of English professional football by Puskas and the Hungarians was not a matter for much regret .
28 Both rulers and ruled may believe that some issues are not a matter for public concern .
29 But that again , is not a matter for this court .
30 This , however , is surely not a matter for grave concern ( except of course to ardent devotees ) since the precise metaphysical status of the magic shibboleth is of much less interest than the insights which it has inspired .
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