Example sentences of "not the result [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These findings indicate that the gastritis and hypergastrinaemia associated with H pylori infection are not the result of mucosal damage induced by the organism 's ammonia production .
2 Erm I 'm asking this question to e satisfy myself that these changes and reduction in costs are not the result of political expediency as opposed to er a genuine assessment of what the risk in the change environment is likely to be .
3 Is open access not the result of political dogma rather than practical hard-nosed business analysis ?
4 These observations were not the result of intestinal stricture or bactrial overgrowth .
5 The political narrative of the sixth century , however , makes it clear that they were not the result of automatic recourse to a pattern established in 511 .
6 In our previous study we performed simultaneous flow cytometric analysis of HLA-DR expression and propidium iodide exclusion to show that the effects of the drugs were not the result of impaired viability .
7 Intravenous infusion of neuropeptide Y did not affect bile secretion suggesting that the choleretic effect of intracerebroventricular neuropeptide Y was not the result of peripheral leakage of the peptide across the blood brain barrier .
8 The temporal relationship between oesophageal alkalinisation and abnormal gastric pH patterns lends support to the belief that the difference in pH profiles in Barrett 's patients is not the result of salivary pooling or excessive salivation .
9 All stress the role of grace and man 's total dependence upon God for salvation : they point out that good works are not the result of human will-power but are in some mysterious way the actions of God himself .
10 The inauguration of the Kingdom is an act of God and not the result of human achievement .
11 Social order from the perspective of cosmos is based on ‘ the discovery that there exist orderly structures which are the product of the action of many men but are not the result of human design ’ .
12 It is this basic contradiction which determines the fate of capitalism , the breakdown of which , and the transition to a socialist society , are the necessary outcome of a structural contradiction , not the result of human agency .
13 This proctitis is a gluten driven phenomenon , therefore , and not the result of idiopathic inflammation or , in other words , distal inflammatory bowel disease .
14 According to Goody and Watt , the development of alphabetic script and its wide diffusion throughout society — the two criteria for ‘ literacy ’ as they mean it — happened independently within Greece and were not the result of cultural borrowing .
15 In the view of one of the major contributors to the debate about when and how the concept should be deployed , however , this is not the result of semantic ambiguity .
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