Example sentences of "at least the [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Most Soviet citizens , however , appeared to have remained loyal to their native language in their domestic and family life , and there was little sign of the disappearance of at least the major Soviet languages , most of which were still spoken by the great majority of the nationalities in question ( the 1979 census found that 62 per cent of non-Russians were fluent in that language , but that 93 per cent of the population identified their national language as their native one ; the 1989 census found that the reported level of knowledge of Russian had actually fallen among at least two national groups , the Uzbeks and Lithuanians ) .
2 Western music as a whole , since at least the late Middle Ages , is best seen as a ‘ total system ’ .
3 This does not mean however that some valuations are not more right than others ; appreciating at least the following practical points will help make sure that our valuations are ‘ more right ’ than not :
4 In August 1945 the Leaders asked the Superintendent , the Reverend Ernest Shaw , to allow the Reverend Thomas Kennedy to concentrate on visitation in the Edenderry district for at least the following 12 months in view of the probable building of a new church and the need for special attention to the work of God in the area .
5 Therefore , banks and shareholders ( or , at least the large institutional shareholders plus unit trust holders etc. ) do not have the same objectives .
6 We scrupulously check references for at least the past five years working .
7 The Australian tobacco industry has been on the very sick list for at least the past 16 years , with adult per capita consumption falling by about one third to its present annual level of 1827 grams .
8 These rodents have the double misfortune of being regarded as edible — both the Hopi and Navajo Indians have recipes for baked prairie dog — and as agricultural pest , subject to a hunting and poisoning programme for at least the past 150 years .
9 The endorsement our society gives to an ideal of thinness for young women is likely to be responsible for the current high frequency of the illness , but other factors must also be involved since anorexic patients have been reported for at least the past 150 years .
10 Britain had governed Hong Kong for at least the past 25 years only because China allowed it .
11 Loch Morlich must have been stunningly beautiful once , before the picnic tables and dinghies arrived , and at least the wonderful Scots pines that surround it have survived and are now protected .
12 It had been relatively constant for at least the previous three centuries as shown by the work of the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure ( Laslett and Wall , 1972 ) .
13 Abstinence for at least the previous 12 months .
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