Example sentences of "at least [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you do manage it then this brilliant collection of new maps will give you something to do tonight , at least for a few hours !
2 If you do manage it then this brilliant collection of new maps will give you something to do tonight , at least for a few hours !
3 ‘ Just as you 're going to have to endure being separated from Jeff every day — at least for a few hours , while we do our English lessons . ’
4 If so , it suggests that liberal policies will be implemented in Peru at least for a few months this year , whatever the general public thinks .
5 There is no reason why you should not have a weekly reward for remaining the same weight , at least for a few months after you have attained your ideal shape .
6 For most women , working and childbearing are alternatives , at least for a few years .
7 And I think the most I 'll get out of it , at least for a few years , is local portrait photography .
8 The fury of the attack , at least for a few seconds , drew Waldegrave from his drunken stupor .
9 He reckoned it would take him where he wanted to go — at least for a few weeks .
10 I tend to agree with on at least on the latter point .
11 Fourth , opportunities for further in-service training should be more generous for further education teachers than for those in schools and , in any event , they should be at least on the same scale .
12 There are of course problems in bringing up a Down 's child which are not present , at least to the same degree , in bringing up a child without Down 's Syndrome .
13 Mr Johnston said it would be foolish to anticipate better advertising volumes for the provincial press in general , at least until the latter part of 1993 , but the group 's present lower cost base should certainly benefit profits if Britain was eventually to see the type of modest recovery which was beginning to boost the US newspaper industry .
14 As the numbers and grades of medreses increased with the passage of time , so also did the numbers and grades of mevleviyets , the term used here in the sense which would appear to have been valid , with minor qualifications , at least from the latter half of the sixteenth century , namely as comprising principally the kazaskerliks and the important kadiliks-the mevleviyet kadiliks — to which one moved on from the higher medreses and through which one moved , if one were fortunate , eventually to reach the kazaskerliks and , by the end of the sixteenth century , the Muftilik .
15 This result , Burmester suggests , indicates that the coatings were applied using lacquer ‘ from one pot ’ or at least from the same tree .
16 While it is not possible to demonstrate that any of the Continental braids are of Anglo-Saxon , even Kentish , manufacture , the very close similarity between some examples on each side of the Channel makes it possible that they are at least from the same source .
17 The requirement for shareholder consent , either by resolution or , formally , by their consent to the delegation of final decision-making power to the board , maintains the surface integrity of the ownership model , though certainly at least in the latter case shareholder consent is more hypothetical than real .
18 If we must have ‘ classics ’ let us accept James Steel Smith 's definition of a book that ‘ provides some special imaginative experience which the child is not likely to get from other sources — or at least in the same degree of intensity — and which ‘ it would be a shame for him to miss ’ ( 1967 , p. 121 ) .
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