Example sentences of "at least up to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor Data database is aimed at defining the entire compass of E-type additives , allowing the whole range to be investigated , at least up to the date of author Peter J Menter 's documentation , although the main menu of the program includes an option to update the database in various ways .
2 Socialists must incline towards a comprehensive system of education ‘ under which all children would ideally share the same broad experience at least up to the school leaving age ’ .
3 Because there are so few cells and a well-defined pattern , it is possible to follow the lineage and fate of every cell at least up to the time of gastrulation .
4 Where they are still organized separately from social services , education welfare officers can sum up an area 's state of mind as well as help — or question — individual families , at least up to the time when centralized social work services are cut back .
5 All children , whatever their abilities or disabilities , have a statutory right to be educated ; and all parents have a corresponding duty to see that they are educated , at least up to the age of 16 .
6 Children whose mothers smoke ten or more cigarettes a day after the fourth month of pregnancy tend to show poorer progress at school , at least up to the age of 16 [ 14 ] .
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