Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Throughout it all , he keenly defends himself against the propaganda with which the minders assigned to foreign journalists bombard him .
2 Then , in the middle of the election campaign , he suddenly found himself among the accused .
3 He just settles himself into the cushion of the rear seat and waits for me to speak .
4 When he finally wheeled himself into the Politburo meeting , all the others had arrived .
5 If the semanticist takes the first tack , he soon finds himself in the business of adducing an apparently endless proliferation of senses of the simplest looking words .
6 Perhaps he still identified himself with the man who bought a duffel cloak for Alice Fell ( see Critical Survey , p. 118 ) ; he instructed his daughter to buy the child a doll — ‘ only let it be a good big one ’ .
7 He still held himself with the easy confidence she remembered , his dark head carried at an unconsciously arrogant angle , and he still had that polish to him , the patina of success .
8 And so he always laid himself on the line .
9 He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy , but it was a lie , she says .
10 Baldwin inclined to the earlier date , mainly because he always sustained himself throughout the wearisomeness of the political year by looking forward to a relaxed August and September .
11 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
12 He quickly established himself within the PAN , challenging its professional politicians with the support of his business colleagues and unifying the fractious party .
13 He quickly established himself near the settlement of William Tucker [ q.v. ] , who had married his sister Mary and brought over three of their younger brothers .
14 He once described himself as the ‘ grandfather ’ of that generation of Tories that includes Michael Forsyth and Michael Fallon , a phrase that embarrasses him now .
15 He also wrote himself into the history books by becoming the first player to compile three total clearances in a match .
16 He also presented himself to the Rehabilitation Officer and has been a very great nuisance to him …
17 He also established himself in the Russian trade , which during the French wars offered exceptional opportunities for profit .
18 He also interested himself in the administration of this seat of learning , the colours of the students ' gowns — scarlet ; and the professors ' — black .
19 They tell me he near strangled himself with the bowstring when the stave snapped on him this afternoon . ’
20 Did you see that ? he nearly shot himself in the butt that time did n't he ?
21 to put his coat on , I picked him up and tried to carry him , and he just flung himself around so hard I had to put him down and he immediately flung himself on the floor again !
22 Simultaneously he increasingly involved himself in the literary life of London , a change in the balance of his career which began when he made the acquaintance of the poet , Alfred ( later first Baron ) Tennyson [ q.v. ] , who in 1867 commissioned Knowles to design his house in Aldworth , Sussex .
23 He simply devoted himself to the sport and was never in any doubt about what he wanted to be , ’ adds Sid .
24 He even persuades himself of the splendour .
25 He then enjoys himself at the end of the book , looking to the future from various standpoints .
26 He almost threw himself across the van , grasping Kirov firmly by both shoulders .
27 Churchill indeed was so overcome with the romance of it all that he briefly reconciled himself to the departure of the British from his beloved India .
28 From the first he closely identified himself with the city , its people , and their aspirations in ways which helped to break down many of the prejudices of his people and their Presbyterian neighbours .
29 He firmly allied himself with the forces of change , but was careful to give due weight to the arguments for staying put , the detail in which he did this adding impressively to his reputation for grasp .
30 He certainly shot himself in the foot , pulling out of Glastonbury and playing Finsbury Park .
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