Example sentences of "he [verb] himself [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Convinced that there were practical solutions to the social evils of his day , he devoted himself particularly to the temperance movement .
2 He is such a lucid writer — and although he defends himself ably against the charge of superficiality ( which has been levelled since I was a student ) the breadth of his scholarship is so immense that the defence seems unnecessary .
3 These points taken together suggest that the burnt-offering symbolized the worshipper 's homage and total dedication to God , in laying his hand on the animal he identified himself completely with the sacrifice .
4 He threw himself vigorously into the work in hand , and presented the aspect of one who did not know when to stop .
5 Oh Jane , my hope … my love … my life ! ’ and he threw himself despairingly on the sofa .
6 ‘ It was his first job and he locked himself away for the day with a feather and a bottle of wine , ’ remembers Sally .
7 Lord Deverill called as he swung himself effortlessly into the saddle .
8 He swung himself nimbly over the fence and was disconcerted to come face to face with Henry Yaxlee , walking purposefully from the direction of the school .
9 He pulled himself athletically from the cockpit .
10 He throws himself entirely on the divine generosity of which he has already had such rich experience .
11 He saw himself more in the Arts and Crafts tradition of the designer who can turn his hand to anything .
12 He kept himself diagonally across the room as far away as he could .
13 He 'd stayed there ( ‘ in Didcart ’ ) much longer than he 'd intended ; and when finally he tore himself away from the Cornish Riviera and the Torbay Express he 'd walked back to Didcot Parkway Station at about five o'clock , and caught the next train back to Oxford , where he 'd , er , where he 'd had a quick drink in the Station Buffet .
14 When the immediate formalities were over , he left Algeria for the last time , and flew back to Paris , where he shut himself away in the house at St-Cloud , seeing no one .
15 With a shout of pain he tore his hand free , the flesh ripping as he dragged himself away from the knife , leaving it embedded in the wood .
16 Jimmy had been shaken by those sounds , more shaken than the others , for good reason , but Cardiff could see that he was unprepared to show it as he pushed himself away from the reception counter .
17 With a sob of relief , he pushed himself away from the step and back to his feet again .
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