Example sentences of "are supported by the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have , moreover , received significant support from an independent and experienced source in that they are supported by the Official Solicitor 's counsel Mr. Barda .
2 Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that he will not agree to binding minimum rates of income tax in Europe , which have been advocated by the Socialist Confederation in Europe and are supported by the Labour party in this country ?
3 This is an important concession and reads as follows : B18 Payments out of a discretionary trust : entitlement to relief from UK tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts or of a double taxation agreement If a payment made by trustees falls to be treated as a net amount in accordance with TA 1988 s.687(2) and the income arising under the trust includes income in respect of which the beneficiary would , if such income came to him directly instead of through trustees , be entitled to relief under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts , eg TA 1988 , s.278 ( claims for personal reliefs by non-residents ) ; TA 1988 s.47 ( claims for exemption from tax on certain UK Government securities held by persons not ordinarily resident in the UK ) ; TA 1988 ss.48 , 123 ( claims for exemption from UK tax on income from overseas securities by persons not resident in the UK ) ; or under the terms of a double taxation agreement , such relief will be granted to the beneficiary on a claim made by him to the extent that the payment is of income which arose to the trustees not earlier than in the year 1973 – 74 and not earlier than six years before the end of the year of assessment in which the payment was made , provided that the trustees have submitted for each year trust returns which are supported by the relevant income tax certificates and which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries .
4 The main areas of concern were the lack of fire resistance of the intermediate floors that are supported by the unprotected steel uprights of the bookstacks on the floor below , and the inadequate means of escape from the Reading Room area .
5 The groups are supported by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers ( BTCV ) .
6 These findings are supported by the universal preservation in the pouch mucosa of small intestinal phenotypic expression as assessed by disaccharidase activity .
7 Developing an information set from properly-defined critical success factors will ensure that it includes all the required key performance indicators and that they are supported by the full range of internal and external , financial and non-financial information that is necessary .
8 These conclusions are supported by the optical reflection spectra , and by polarimetric and photometric analyses of the thermal radiation emitted by Mercury , day and night .
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