Example sentences of "are included [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the year it joins the group , its results are included for the whole period .
2 These documents are included with the new guidance in sections 1 and 4 , and have the same status .
3 Answer guide : As these houses had been started and completed during the period all these materials are included under the matching principle .
4 Answer guide : As these houses had been started and completed during the period all these wages are included under the matching principle .
5 To this end , some remarks are included on the practical problem of gaining acceptance by management of the use of such techniques in a field still sometimes regarded as one where judgement alone is relevant .
6 There is direct evidence of owls in some of the French caves , where pictures of owls are included among the other animal drawings .
7 Congratulations are offered by members to the following whose names are included in the New Year 's Honours List : .
8 Changes in occupational exposure limits effective from 1 January 1992 are included in the new edition of a Health and Safety Executive guidance booklet .
9 ( b ) Ancillary rights Where the current tenancy includes rights enjoyed by the tenant in connection with the holding , those rights are included in the new tenancy unless the landlord and tenant agree or the court determines otherwise ( s32(3) ) .
10 Details of the organisation and the activities of the Centre and the School are included in the additional information available to applicants .
11 The descriptions of these modules are included in the final section of this guide .
12 20,311 farm holdings are included in the total LFA ( 68% of Welsh farms ) .
13 After the decision has been made , the forecast costs of the chosen option are included in the total cost forecast for the remaining work .
14 Results of elections to Council and a report on the proceedings at last year 's Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 3 November in Llandudno are included in the Annual Report for 1990 , which is circulated with this issue of the magazine .
15 Lisson is showing new paintings by Alex Landrum , whose monochromatic canvases , subtly embossed with the title by which that colour is described in a paint chart , are included in the current exhibition at the Saatchi Collection .
16 FOUR Scots are included in the British team to compete in the Challenge Martini World Cup Series to be held in London : Alasdair Baker , from Dunfermline , Eric Usher ( Edinburgh ) , Kyle MacDonald ( Stirling ) and Todd Lindsay ( Dalkeith ) .
17 Assuming : ( a ) that all three measures are calculated accurately ; ( b ) that only final goods and services are counted in the national product and national expenditure figures ; ( c ) that any changes in unsold stocks are included in the national expenditure figures ; and ( d ) that all incomes , including profits but excluding transfer payments , are counted in the national income figures , then it must follow that all three measures will provide an identical figure for the value of the country 's total output .
18 What follows is a guide to the PSD modules which are included in the National Certificate Catalogue 1988/89 .
19 This ensures that only those who fully appreciate the significance of the modules are included in the sanctioning procedure .
20 Data from these two patients are included in the statistical analysis of the diagnostic anorectal manometry , as they were incontinent .
21 Full details of the results for the three months to 31st March 1993 with comparisons for the first quarter of 1992 are included in the Statistical Information attached to this press release .
22 Mr. Peter Walker : The conclusions of my review of the National Health Service in Wales are included in the White Paper " Working for Patients " , Cm. 555 .
23 That that was what was being put forward by the planning authority , then in the next sentence we have Most of the suggested sites are included in the conservation area in the village , and are separated from the built-up part of the village .
24 Apart from financing costs , which are included in the no-arbitrage condition , it is assumed the underlying asset , the shares which comprise the index , can be stored costlessly and does not depreciate with storage .
25 ( 3 ) While the employee remains in the employment of the employer the obligations are included in the implied term which imposes a duty of good faith or fidelity on the employee .
26 One of the joys of owning a '73 Viva is that the most important ‘ extras ’ are included in the basic price .
27 Copies of the code can be found in most laboratories , and the detailed contents are included in the educational programme for mortuary technicians .
28 All instruments , programming and engineering fees are included in the hourly rate of £16 .
29 Subsidiaries acquired or sold during the year are included from the effective date of acquisition or to the effective date of disposal .
30 The results of companies acquired are included from the effective date of acquisition .
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