Example sentences of "are based [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is typical of arguments concerning the ‘ correct rules ’ of the language in the Chomskyan approach , and that of most other sentence-grammarians , that they are based on the presentation of ‘ example ’ and ‘ counterexample ’ .
2 This is because they are based on the spelling of each word , which is inconsistent due to the non-deterministic morphology of the English language .
3 Some forms of psychotherapy are based on the work of Reich , an analyst who gave up ‘ talking ’ therapy because he saw the possibility of releasing emotional tension locked into the body , and making faster contact with the sources of conflict that cause pain and distress .
4 The expeditions are based on the ethos of ‘ Challenge , Participation and Environment ’ , and strong emphasis is also placed on teamwork and leadership .
5 The regularities which the analyst describes are based on the frequency with which a particular linguistic feature occurs under certain conditions in his discourse data .
6 The conclusions of our own clinical-epidemiological studies are based on the coincidence of pseudomelanosis coli and endoscopically verified abnormalities , assuming that pseudomelanosis coli is a reliable marker of chronic anthranoid type laxative abuse .
7 Some Penitential Services are based on the sacrament of penance and give people the opportunity to make an individual confession and receive absolution .
8 These are based on the idea of choosing a sound ( unbiased ) analytical technique and establishing that the performance of the analytical system , once it is set up , meets predefined accuracy requirements .
9 Article 5 obliges state parties to take all appropriate measures to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women , with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudice , customs and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or superiority of either sexes .
10 The annual fees for certification by the Law Society are based on the size of the firm and , for 1992 , amount to £75 per principal and £170 per firm .
11 The subsequent analyses are based on the principle of intention to treat , applied to the total group of 63 patients .
12 WWF 's new projects in the Korup rainforest in the Cameroons and on rural range-land management in Zimbabwe are based on the thesis of developing a land use policy specific to a particular area , which makes the best possible use of all the resources available .
13 In recent years sociolinguists have shown a fair amount of interest in models of variation and change which are based on the notion of lexical diffusion ( Chen 1976 ; Wang 1969 ; Labov 1981 ; J. Milroy 1981b ; Trudgill 1986a : 58 ) .
14 Other traditions , such as military regimes and cultures with a central control , are based on the division of land by means of the cardinal directions and subdivision by halving , resulting in a fourfold and eightfold division .
15 Of course all the paths are based on the assembly of complementary DNA or RNA strands according to the familiar base-pairing rules of James Watson and Francis Crick .
16 Most samples are based on the concept of ‘ random sampling ’ , so it is important to understand what is meant by the word ‘ random ’ .
17 The problems associated with the battle of the forms arise because the common law principles governing the formation of contracts are based on the concept of a bargain arrived at through a process of negotiation , while the whole purpose of standard conditions is to minimise or exclude the process of negotiation .
18 Those in which the form of words used are based on the definition of a ‘ light industrial ’ use , i.e. a Class III use under the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 , usually referred to as a ‘ no nuisance clause ’ , being imposed to protect the amenity of the locality , and
19 In several Asian and African countries , central banks have been set up by statute and are based on the model of the Bank of England .
20 Such grants are based on the Statute of Monopolies 1623 , which , while in general prohibiting the grant of monopolies , made an exception in favour of patents ‘ for the term of fourteen years or under for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within the realm to the true and first inventor or inventors of such manufactures , which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use ’ .
21 Approval of the IVA requires a majority of more than 75% , and voting rights are based on the value of the debts .
22 In the case of traditional options the commission charges are based on the value of the underlying shares rather than the option price itself .
23 ( e ) HM Land Registry fees Where the transfer between husband and wife does not involve consideration ( eg transfer following agreement between the spouses or pursuant to a court order ) then art 2(5) of the Land Registration Fees Order 1992 will applyfees are based on the value of the land concerned after deducting therefrom the amount secured by any registered charges .
24 Estate agency fees are based on the value of the property , eg 1 per cent of a £30,000 flat would be £300 , plus VAT , whereas on the sale of a £90,000 house it would be £900 plus VAT .
25 In this respect , therefore , our work conforms to the general principles of Labov 's work and is not comparable with studies ( experimental or otherwise ) that are based on the language of , for example , RP-speaking or near RP-speaking persons from amongst the analyst 's own university students .
26 Many procedures used for isolating clusters of viable inside cells from either morulae ( > 16 cells ) or blastocysts ( >32 cells ) are based on the application of cytotoxic reagents to the exterior of the embryo which will lyse the outer cells but not reach the inner cells due to the barrier provided by the tight junction permeability seal .
27 The only cases I have encountered come from discussions of aesthetics , although that by Langer ( 1942 ) is dominated by the image of the painting , while those by Colquhoun ( 1981 ) and Scruton ( 1979 : 158–78 ) are based on the example of architecture .
28 As we shall see , many but not all liberal theories of political freedom are based on the endorsement of one or another of several principles of restraint , of which the principle of neutrality is one .
29 The research consists of two inter-linked projects on Employment and Ageing , which are based on the re-analysis of two large Government data sets : the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey .
30 The trustee or personal representative may , inter alia , deal in the securities to which that information relates if his trades are based on the advice of someone who appeared to him to be an appropriate person for whom to seek such advice and who did not seem to him to be prohibited by ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 from dealing .
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