Example sentences of "be associated with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other small animals such as birds and amphibians may be associated with the small mammal assemblages , and these are considered briefly in their place .
2 This is important because the statistical data to be mapped must be associated with the correct zone .
3 The legislation was to be centrally administered by the Board of Education ; it was in no way to be associated with the Poor Law .
4 In October 1875 , their medical officer drew the attention of the Board , after many previous attempts , to meet the need for a separate building , or wards , to receive alleged lunatics who were not susceptible of curative treatment ( sic ) in an asylum , but ‘ whose habits and conduct are such that they can not be associated with the other inmates without injury to the latter ’ .
5 The crucial question that arises here , therefore , is how the given categories of grammar which constitute the content units of a structural syllabus are to be associated with the new categories of communicative function : in other words , how ( to use Halliday 's terms this time ) the meaning potential intrinsic in language form gets realized in the pragmatic achievement of meaning .
6 Maud liked to be associated with the right people and be seen in the right places .
7 Evidence for buildings that can most probably be associated with the civilian town is slight .
8 Thus the requirement for mesenchyme seems to be associated with the early stages of thymopoiesis , whereas epithelial cells alone can support the later developmental stages , including those dependent on TCR-mediated interactions with MHC antigens in the thymic stroma .
9 Elevated muscarinic receptor seemed therefore to be associated with the early phases of memory formation .
10 Any hope for a unique syndrome of EEG/EOG patterns which might be associated with the odd experiences which McKellar 's subjects reported must be abandoned .
11 Because of their implementation dates , they will probably be associated with the Major administration , but they are in fact a legacy of the Thatcher years .
12 Similarly the kinaesthetic sensation of a limb moving has to be associated with the visual sensation obtained by observing the limb — hence the countless hours which babies spend just watching their own limbs move .
13 Human papillomavirus ( HPV ) have been reported to be associated with the genital tract and extragenital tumours in previous studies .
14 Now it concerns me that er I do n't want to be associated with the possible charge of elitism if we 're only associated with independent schools .
15 In addition , once " posts ' had been evaluated by the evaluation committee , the various scores and codes allocated to the job elements had to be associated with the relevant post on the data base .
16 This DC should be associated with the specified LIFESPAN_USER
17 For example , she was deeply opposed to opening in Manchester , as she did not think her type of customer lived there , but preferred to be associated with the older university towns or cathedral cities such as Bath or Edinburgh .
18 In April 1989 a series of houses were raided in West Germany and bomb-making equipment was found , which was thought to be associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
19 The singularity occurs when , and thus can be seen to be associated with the focusing singularity in region IV .
20 A particular molecular orbital may seem to be associated primarily with one bond , or with a single atom , but in principle it must be associated with the whole molecule .
21 This study shows the transfection of HPV DNA from colonic cancers into NIH3T3 mouse cells and suggests that HPV type 16 might be associated with the malignant transformation of colonic cells .
22 The hill peoples would be associated with the constitutional process .
23 Some are also believed to be associated with the paranormal Knights of Columbanus and others again have connections with the shadowy Freemason organisation .
24 A new road ( III ) was also laid , much narrower than its predecessor , which might tentatively be associated with the later road in the town centre with its central channel or drain .
25 This interpretation squares up with the survey 's finding that people were most likely to apply the critical comment ‘ you feel you 'd never finish paying ’ to the two types of credit which , though not in themselves necessitating long repayment schedules , tend to be associated with the larger loans which would impose long schedules on a ‘ rationed ’ consumer .
26 At the same time , it reveals a succession of different grants , none of which can be shown to be associated with the original concession of Sapaudia .
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