Example sentences of "be associated with [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 If not , the accused was pronounced guilty and the priest might , therefore , be associated with a sentence of death .
2 The disappearance of the rhynchosaurs , like the decline of the synapsid dicynodonts before them , seems to be associated with a decline of their food-plant ; this time , of the seed fern Dicroidium , which was giving way to the worldwide spread of the conifers .
3 A simple extrapolation from the basic hepatocyte culture expreiments suggets that matrix degradation during liver injury may be associated with a loss of specific hepatocyte gene function , and promotion of cellular proliferation .
4 As minister responsible for the economy in Northern Ireland , I am delighted to be associated with the publication of ‘ Guide to Exporting . ’
5 Evans had also provided a note of some cases from other countries where crimes of violence could be associated with the playing of such games .
6 These changes may be associated with the intensification of the Aleutian Low , a major meteorological system which dominates the weather of the North Pacific region .
7 When performers in this industry , such as the Beatles , started composing their own songs — sometimes writing them , more often producing them directly , using oral , experimental , collective methods — another significant move had been made ; and a second phase in this process may be associated with the advent of relatively cheap , accessible electronic equipment ( synthesizers , mixers , rhythm and effects boxes of various sorts ) , which enable ‘ amateurs ’ to produce music without playing instruments at all in the traditional sense .
8 The Coulson Chair was established in the knowledge that Theoretical Chemistry was making significant contributions to Physical , Organic , and Inorganic Chemistry besides becoming an established field in its own right , and it was envisaged that the professor might choose to be associated with the work of any of the laboratories .
9 Moreover , if the Withington mosaic is to be associated with the work of this group ( at the integral level ) it must be as a parallel or subsequent development .
10 These results suggest that the loss of intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions may be associated with the recurrence of gastric ulcers .
11 These coins can be dated no more closely than the late 750s or early 760s , but they are possibly to be associated with the disintegration of Aethelbald 's imperium in southern England following his death .
12 A lack of social support at the first interview was found to be associated with the presence of psychiatric symptoms ( GHQ scores ) at the second interview among those who had initially been well ( GHQ score less than 4 ) .
13 All four groups have generated public concern about lack of adequate support in the community , while research efforts have repeatedly reported that survival in the community appears to be associated with the existence of structured plans for after-care , frequency of contact with professionals and access to appropriate facilities ( Acres , 1975 ; Davis et al. , 1984 ; Thornicroft , 1989 ) .
14 How could he possibly be associated with the excesses of such a raggle-taggle outfit ?
15 The same is true of interludes : they must be associated with the rest of the music .
16 This seems to be associated with the development of lipoproteic particles and the resultant material , unlike the ordinary hyphae , are edible .
17 If professional development is understood in terms of increased professionality then clearly it can be associated with the goal of increasing teacher effectiveness .
18 However , because I believed that much of this increased protein synthesis was likely to be associated with the production of new synapses , or the modification of old ones , it was important to look not at proteins in general but at synaptic membrane proteins in particular .
19 ( 2 ) The aim of such strategies and struggles is to produce ( or be associated with the production of , in the case of institutions and marketers ) valuable cultural goods .
20 In recent years it has become clear that certain tumour derived cell lines can be associated with the production of gut peptides , and that some of these peptides are mitogenic to the same cells .
21 The results suggest that pancreatic PLA2 circulates mostly as inactive enzyme in patients with acute pancreatitis whereas synovial type PLA2 is responsible for the increased catalytic activity of the enzyme and thus might be associated with the pathophysiology of the disease .
22 For him , Bridgnorth would always be associated with the antics of a ghost that obviously liked railway engines and would appear from time to time to warn of impending accidents .
23 This enhancement is thought to be associated with the extraction of additional information about the stimuli in the attended ear .
24 This episode occurred early in Ecgfrith 's reign and is probably to be associated with the expulsion of Drest , king of the Picts , in 672 ( AU s.a .
25 So the P300 is thought to be associated with the completion of stimulus identification and classification in preparation for a cognitive or motor response .
26 Differences arise virtually throughout the range of activities which would normally be associated with the practice of management accounting .
27 Leavis does not question or problematize the existence of the materials of the literary tradition , and the moral force to be associated with the study of English resides , not in the " personalities " of great authors , but in the capacity of an intellectual and professional elite to " respond " , that is , to recreate in themselves that evaluative response to cultural change seen as inscribed within the literary tradition .
28 For example , introversion and extroversion have been found to be associated with the acceptance of favourable or unfavourable attitudes .
29 In the north temperate zone , the latitudinal range of fruiting season seems to be associated with the arrival of the southward-shifting , migratory , frugivorous birds such as thrushes .
30 In inflammatory bowel disease an increased expression of ICAM-1 on mucosal mononuclear phagocytes on colonic biopsy specimens was shown to be associated with the maintenance of chronic inflammation and the induction of ICAM-1 expression has been seen on bile duct epithelium , endotheoium , and hepatocytes of liver allografts undergoing acute rejection .
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