Example sentences of "be kept [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
2 However , a watchful eye needs to be kept on the New Age phenomena .
3 This will go to be tissue typed and the results will be kept on the confidential register .
4 One or two need to be kept on the cool side , otherwise they grow too fast and weaken themselves so badly that they die .
5 If an experiment produces animals that are to be kept for a long period , or that are to form the basis of a breeding colony .
6 In a hospital or a bank , where records have to be kept for a long time , the files would not be deleted routinely , but stored in archives until the expiry of the prescribed storage period .
7 The cost need not be very high and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that the finished result will be kept for a long time , if not forever , by the recipient .
8 These can be kept for a long time and are likely to breed .
9 The spread nuclei can be simply stained in acetic orcein ( Gurr ) under a coverslip and if the staining is slow , or the slides are to be kept for a short time , the coverslips can be ringed with rubber solution ( Weldtite ) to prevent the stain drying out .
10 One of the two remaining ferry boats would be kept as a stand-by vessel and the other would be stripped of its engine and berthed at Canning Dock for possible shopping or leisure purposes .
11 Meg Dods ( The Cook 's and Housewife 's Manual , I 826 ) instructs that if this is to be kept as a cold relish the white meat and the coral and spawn should be packed " in a regular manner , in layers , or alternate pieces , so that when sliced it may have that marbled appearance , that look of mosaic work which so commends the taste of the cook " .
12 It will definitely be kept as a single unit . ’
13 Stenopus hispidus sometimes called the Boxing Shrimp , is far more aggressive towards its own kind and can only be kept as a single specimen or a matched pair .
14 If fat loss is at a relatively slow , steady , controlled pace and if moderate exercise is taken , metabolic rate can be kept at a reasonable level ; it might even increase , and you will be fitter , too .
15 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
16 These should still be kept at a regular time , because if you vary the routine too widely the dog is likely to become restless .
17 As a result US interest rates had to be kept at a high level .
18 Generally speaking , people in this room are sitting around relaxing ; they are n't bustling about generating their own heat so the atmosphere around them needs to be kept at a comfortable temperature .
19 Prosecuting for the Health and Safety Executive Terry Aston said the oil in the storage tanks was meant to be kept at a safe temperature of 40 degrees centigrade .
20 The accounts , records , etc. of the partnership must be kept at the principal place of business , and be held available for inspection by any of the partners .
21 During the period of entry , interest rates may have to be kept at the present emergency level , but it is an emergency level , a punishment for past sins of credit creation and lax management .
22 Under the plan some 50 missiles would be transferred from the launch silos in Wyoming ( the seventh designated MX location ) to 25 new trains , which would be kept at the seven bases for deployment on the public rail system in time of crisis .
23 Some British students might actually do the course , though they would be kept to a small minority .
24 The legs are oleo-pneumatic ; small Schrader-type valves enable them to be kept to the correct pressure .
25 In principle , platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum .
26 These parts are , at best , inefficient in a P-40 and the result is overheating so their taxi time has to be kept to an absolute minimum . )
27 Food rewards , if used at all , must be kept to an absolute minimum ( half a Smartie is better than a whole one ) .
28 The intention is that an LEA will not be able to favour particular schools , or to use the granting and withholding of funds as a means of enforcing policies , or of promoting some educational practices and discouraging others ( except to a marginal extent with some limited discretionary funds that can be kept outside the aggregated budget ) .
29 In nine counties the forests were ordered to be kept by the same bounds as before the war between King John and his barons ; on 27 October 1228 the juries who had made the perambulations of the Yorkshire forests of Galtres and Farndale , and the forest between Ouse and Derwent , obediently amended their verdicts .
30 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
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