Example sentences of "be paid [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a proviso that should the value of the jewels exceed the amount of the debt , the excess must be paid over to the king 's treasury .
2 Since the receiver is the mortgagor 's agent , the mortgagee is not responsible for the receiver 's acts and defaults ; and any surplus beyond the outgoings ( including the receiver 's remuneration ) and the interest due , must be paid over to the mortgagor , and will not go in reduction of the principal .
3 ( 3 ) Fees determined by the Secretary of State under subsection ( 1 ) above shall , on being paid by any applicant to the board , be paid over by the clerk of that board to the council which defray the expenses of that board .
4 The remuneration of the interim receiver will be fixed by the court from time to time , taking into account the time spent , the complexity of the matter , the value and nature of the property , etc and will be paid either by the debtor ( if no bankruptcy order is made ) or out of the debtor 's assets as a charge upon them ( r6.56 ) .
5 If a group income election is in place , as will often be the case , the dividend ( or part of it ) can be paid up outside the group income election in order to generate the required ACT .
6 Will he also condemn the scandalous proposal that when the PSA is privatised , up to £85 million of taxpayers ' money should be handed over by the Government to Tarmac , which will take it over , so that any proposed redundancies of men and women in the PSA will be paid not by the privatising company but by the taxpayer ?
7 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
8 Over the first years or so of paying into an endowment fund , most of your money will be paid straight to the lender or broker who arranged the policy .
9 He is asking us to remember that the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done , by someone who is a better judge , someone more in possession of all the facts .
10 F7,000 million of this was to be repaid over six years ( with a three-year grace period ) , while the remainder was to be paid back by the end of 1989 .
11 The letter of authority must clearly state that fees will be paid directly to the University .
12 The letter of authority must clearly state that fees will be paid directly to the University .
13 The letter of authority must clearly state that fees will be paid directly to the University .
14 Similar fees will be paid directly to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey .
15 This supplement must be paid directly to the hotel .
16 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
17 As the right hon. Gentleman pointed out , we made new arrangements on 5 November to ensure that income support payments can be paid directly to the lender .
18 Mr. Secretary Newton , supported by the Prime Minister , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lilley , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. Nicholas Scott and Miss Ann Widdecombe , presented a Bill to make provision for requiring , in certain cases where interest on a loan secured on land is payable by a person who is entitled , or whose partner , former partner or qualifying associate is entitled , to income support , the applicable amount in respect of which includes a sum in respect of that interest , that a part of the benefits to which any of those persons is entitled under the enactments relating to social security shall be paid directly to the lender and applied towards the discharge of the liability in respect of the interest ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
19 The cost of their food and cot where applicable should be paid directly to the Club .
20 Its success in securing provision in the 1911 National Insurance Act for maternity benefits to be paid directly to the mother was both the culmination of work in maternity and infant welfare , and the springboard for new campaigns .
21 Where the premium is paid wholly or partly by the employer benefits should be paid directly to the employer .
22 Now that , following Fryer v LTE ( see para 1.50 ) , a payment into court can be disclosed on an interim payment application , a defendant who has paid anything more than a small proportion of the value of the plaintiff 's claim into court will find it difficult to resist the application on this ground , especially as the court will usually order the interim payment to be paid out of the money in court .
23 Fourthly , loan stock principal and interest can , if necessary , be paid out of the offeror 's capital .
24 It would therefore seem desirable that the order for costs on the making of a bankruptcy order should be that the petitioning creditor 's costs " to be agreed or taxed " be paid out of the estate .
25 ‘ ( 3 ) Unless any party appears before this court on or before Wednesday 19 February 1992 and shows cause why the sum of U.S.$2m. should not be paid out of the fund which was paid into court pursuant to the order of Hirst J. herein dated 13 March 1991 ( ‘ the fund ’ ) to the solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ( Messrs. Crossman Block ) , the said sum shall be paid out of the fund to Messrs. Crossman Block on 20 February 1992 or forthwith thereafter .
26 ‘ ( 3 ) Unless any party appears before this court on or before Wednesday 19 February 1992 and shows cause why the sum of U.S.$2m. should not be paid out of the fund which was paid into court pursuant to the order of Hirst J. herein dated 13 March 1991 ( ‘ the fund ’ ) to the solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ( Messrs. Crossman Block ) , the said sum shall be paid out of the fund to Messrs. Crossman Block on 20 February 1992 or forthwith thereafter .
27 When we changed the concept of insurance totally , and we have said that the sum assured will be paid out on the diagnosis of the disease , and not on death or anything else .
28 The unpredictability of death can easily lead to embarrassment for the firm , not least because of the fundamental obligation of the personal representatives of a deceased partner to realise the assets comprised in his estate at an early date : and one of these assets will be the deceased 's share in the surplus assets of the firm or ( where the agreement so provides ) the right to be paid out for the value of that share .
29 How much money would be available , and how large would the capital grant be paid out from the fund to these eligible groups ?
30 On 1st August 1705 the system was changed , so that the interest on these sums should be received by the overseers of the poor and a fixed amount of £7 10 0d be paid annually to the Master .
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