Example sentences of "be fully [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The car , which could have raced as early as May , will be fully prepared for action with Prost behind the wheel next season .
2 Within such a context it is easier to see how a series of advances , retreats and confusing divisions can be explained as part of a general shift which is of wider significance than the accumulation of a mass of detailed incidents , each of which can only be fully explained in terms of its own unique genesis .
3 These variations do not appear to be fully explained by differences in the types of case coming before the courts concerned ( Jones , 1995 : 116 ) .
4 Moreover , these variations were found not to be fully explained by differences in either the kind of offences with which each court had to deal , or the offenders coming before them .
5 However , the wide fluctuations in the performance of individual local education authorities can not be fully explained by variations in social and economic circumstances or by variations in spending on education , and show that there is plenty of scope to improve standards .
6 What worried him most , apart from the meretricious glitter of the whole charade , was the erosion of the proper role of Cabinet Ministers , both in relation to their own departments and in their right to be fully consulted on matters of collective responsibility ; the Prime Minister 's indifference to the processes and opinions of the House of Commons , provided a majority would sustain him in office ; and the disarray and poor morale which coalition under a dynamic chief of another party was creating in the headquarters and local organizations of the Conservative Party .
7 The movies were something very new and they soon developed a unique and distinctive position within the culture but that position can only be fully understood by reference to that context of nineteenth-century popular culture from which they emerged .
8 Accordingly , if the government varies its debt policy to increase the tax burden on future generations , this will not necessarily be fully offset by changes in bequests .
9 But there is a real danger that lucky resorts will be fully booked within hours of a good dump .
10 The target words occurred in sentences with two clauses , but the clauses varied in the extent to which the first clause could be fully interpreted without information from the second clause .
11 Any such deferred pensions entitlement will be fully protected in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate STG scheme , both as regards the calculation of the pension to be paid at the time of retirement and provision for future increases .
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