Example sentences of "be found [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In an earlier paper ( 1977 ) Robarchek argues that Schachter 's frustration — aggression theory can be found to hold among the Semai when we examine one of their rules , punan , whereby any kind of ‘ frustration ’ ( I call it ‘ unfulfilled desire ’ as found in the rule punen among the Chewong ) must never be allowed to persist .
2 Leys can often be found passing through the pond and the church in a village and it is always worth trying this out where the pond seems ancient .
3 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
4 Once molecules have learnt to compete and to create other molecules in their own image , elephants , and things resembling elephants , will in due course be found roaming through the countryside .
5 He argues that while only a few of the Palestinian sites have been linked by archaeology with the Bible , the bulk of the names in the Yemen area are to be found stated in the Bible and that this was where Abraham , the Caravan King , had his home and it was here that the Israelites settled after they had crossed the Red Sea with Moses .
6 Some of these engines ran for well over a century before being discarded , and particularly fine and huge specimens can be found operating at the Kew steam engine museum .
7 More detailed instructions will be found taped on the walls over the appliances concerned .
8 Its 76,680 potential voters are to be found dotted around the countryside as well as in concentrated pockets on a growing number of new housing estates , including a development at Ingleby Barwick and established urban centres .
9 The human expertise in computer-derived works could be found to reside in the programs which produced the lists of random numbers .
10 The main focus of his activity on the king 's behalf during this period was the court of King 's Bench , but he can also be found speaking for the king in the Common Bench as well .
11 New ways of coping can be shared , and solutions to problems can be found based on the values and ideas of their generation , not according to the views and attitudes of the modern world .
12 Even here , something can be found to say for the deficit , as a safety valve for inflationary pressures .
13 They will be found collected in the case of the Direct United States Cable Company v Anglo-American Telegraph Company , L R 2 App Cas 394 , the bay there in question being Conception Bay , which has a width at the mouth of rather more than 20 miles .
14 At one moment Beveridge can be found looking to the exchanges for the ‘ discouragement ’ of ‘ blind-alley ’ work , but he also warned against starting out with ‘ the idea of rigidly prescribing all but the best employments …
15 In the late 1260s and early 1270s he is to be found acting as the business agent of the west midland baron John de Verdun .
16 The last thing she needed was to be found trespassing in the Baron 's private grounds .
17 Similar sentiments are to be found contained in the Code of Ethics produced by the International Bar Association ( IBA ) .
18 Assuming that no mature way can be found to speak from the workers ' culture or meaning system , as opposed to breaking it down and imposing on it other meaning systems such as that espoused by management , then passive individuals will be fostered .
19 From time immemorial it was a commonly held belief in Gaelic Scotland that where a disease occurred there would be found growing in the locality of its prevalence a plant which would cure that disease .
20 ‘ Can none be found to play with the king but only his brother which hath no wish to play because of sickness ? ’
21 Virtually all infections , be they sexually transmitted or not , provoke the formation of antibodies , some of which can be found circulating in the blood-stream .
22 In the same year , when a judge confronted with a boy burglar at the London Sessions was to be found pontificating against the cinema as ‘ a grave danger to the community ’ which was ‘ responsible for the downfall of many young people ’ , the prosecutor jokingly remarked that ‘ it was perhaps an example of retributive justice that one of the houses broken into belonged to a cinematograph proprietor ’ .
23 He was to be found lurking in the band 's dressing room whenever they ventured into Mancunian territory , which was often .
24 She sits down in a quiet room , provided at public expense , and begins to lecture a man who is shortly to be found dying by the dustbins .
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