Example sentences of "be shown to be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The choices , assessments and selections which go into formulating a strategy , and the ingenuity or crassness displayed in implementing it , must themselves be shown to be determined by factors other than intentions .
2 He looked at the crime figures reported by the Merseyside police , where the increase in clear-up rates could be shown to be related to the number of prison visits by police officers .
3 We have already seen that depressive or manic responses may be shown to be related to the problem of the son 's relation to the mother and his contradictory desire to be devoted to her as the ideal mother of hunter-gatherer prehistory and yet to be free of her as the phallic , dominant mother of primal agriculture .
4 The proposed development is contrary to the stated policy of the local planning authority where new dwellings in the countryside are normally resisted unless they can be shown to be justified by agricultural need .
5 In rodents it is difficult to identify an area that corresponds to temporal visual cortex , there is debate about the existence of a parietal visual area , and the prestriate cortex has yet to be shown to be subdivided on the basis of submodality as in primates .
6 If it is possible to generalize from this at all , it is that presence of predator remains in a fossil assemblage gives no indication of method of origin of the assemblage , even if it can be shown to be accumulated by a predator .
7 In many ways , their crazy actions are analogous to the hysteria of young girl pop fans , who on first sight seem to be totally out of control , but can clearly be shown to be engaging in an intentional , conscious and structured activity .
8 For example , in many tissues , 2 2 Na can be shown to be concentrated into plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of an in to out transmembrane H + gradient .
9 At the same time , it reveals a succession of different grants , none of which can be shown to be associated with the original concession of Sapaudia .
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