Example sentences of "be attribute to the [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Little of that spirit of unity could , however , be attributed to the activities of the Communist party .
2 But these can not yet be attributed to the activities of an individual mosaicist — although they might well indicate the predilictions of an influential client or close- knit group of clients — and are still most significant when viewed over considerable periods of time .
3 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
4 As priority was given to the undergraduate course in information retrieval during the first year and other conditions remained nearly constant , any changes in the pattern of the use of Chalmers Library during that time could be attributed to the effects of the course of instruction .
5 The general absence of deep weathering mantles in many regions of low relief in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere can probably be attributed to the effects of glacial scouring during the repeated ice-sheet advances of the Pleistocene .
6 The need for such periodic major reports can perhaps be attributed to the structures of authority and seniority in the professions , which seem to necessitate periodic revolution rather than the research-led rolling evolution which is more typical of ‘ academic ’ subjects .
7 The low usage rates for LGS were disappointing , but could be attributed to the findings of the village case study described above .
8 Bjornsson went on to study the newspapers of 11 countries , and found substantial differences , which he argued could not be attributed to the idiosyncrasies of the languages .
9 To some extent , the demoralisation and poverty of spirit I had encountered could be attributed to the misfortunes of geography ; to the fact that Czechoslovakia had such ruthless neighbours as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union .
10 It revealed a sorry state of affairs in schools which could be attributed to the cuts in educational spending — something that proved embarrassing to the government of the day .
11 With hindsight , this can be attributed to the inadequacies of his principle of inertia and of his lack of a clear conception of gravity as a force .
12 The impact of this approach on physical geography can be attributed to the ways in which these four types of system could rationalize physical geography endeavour , and could catalyse the introduction of new concepts especially concerned with temporal change .
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