Example sentences of "be attribute [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The lack of advance on our part should not be attributed to the idleness of a century , much rather to the genius of Maxwell .
2 Little of that spirit of unity could , however , be attributed to the activities of the Communist party .
3 But these can not yet be attributed to the activities of an individual mosaicist — although they might well indicate the predilictions of an influential client or close- knit group of clients — and are still most significant when viewed over considerable periods of time .
4 As the severity of histological changes in the pancreas in response to caerulein such as the vacuolisation of acinar cells and the rise in plasma amylase concentrations were already significant at the third hour of infusion , it is obvious that the decline in the exocrine secretory activity might be attributed to the damage of acinar cells .
5 The presence of wings is one of the most characteristic features of insects , and their dominance may be attributed to the possession of these organs .
6 A recent assessment of Beccaria has portrayed him as a cautious conservative who successfully redirected enlightenment thinking away from a potentially much more radical path : ‘ His sudden fame can be attributed to the relief of educated society that it was possible to hold rational ‘ enlightened ’ views on human behaviour without having to accept radical materialism' ( Jenkins , 1984 , p. 113 ) .
7 More generally , the development of eurobond markets in a variety of currencies ( see section 5.1.4 below ) can largely be attributed to the imposition of withholding taxes , listing , disclosure and other regulatory requirements in domestic markets , all of which made development of an offshore market attractive ( although another factor was the increased importance of currency considerations in balance-sheet management , with the end of fixed exchange rates ) .
8 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
9 As priority was given to the undergraduate course in information retrieval during the first year and other conditions remained nearly constant , any changes in the pattern of the use of Chalmers Library during that time could be attributed to the effects of the course of instruction .
10 The general absence of deep weathering mantles in many regions of low relief in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere can probably be attributed to the effects of glacial scouring during the repeated ice-sheet advances of the Pleistocene .
11 The Symon Unconformity has been picked at the base of a thin coal sequence which might correspond to the Phillipsii Chronozone of the upper Westphalian C. Thus a limited gas potential can be attributed to the base of the Barren Measures sequence .
12 The results also show that most of the effect on the perceived depth can be attributed to the presence of the vertical perspective cues although the small effect of horizontal perspective cues was present in the estimates of eight out of ten observers and was statistically significant .
13 The desacralization of nature that has taken place in the West may be attributed to the influence of Christianity .
14 The need for such periodic major reports can perhaps be attributed to the structures of authority and seniority in the professions , which seem to necessitate periodic revolution rather than the research-led rolling evolution which is more typical of ‘ academic ’ subjects .
15 Third , debasement of early medieval coinage in western Europe and the eventual replacement of gold by silver can be attributed to the cessation of the flow of gold bullion from east to west with the abandonment of gold subsidies paid by the Byzantine empire to the barbarians in the west .
16 The low usage rates for LGS were disappointing , but could be attributed to the findings of the village case study described above .
17 With studies of metabolic activity there are still problems with calculating how much of the radioactivity in any part of the brain should be attributed to the utilization of metabolic fuels by the areas concerned , rather than simple uptake .
18 In this context , I would argue that while the unleashing of widespread revolutionary activity in Latin America in the 1960s must obviously be attributed to the impact of the 1959 Cuban revolution , this event was essentially a catalyst , which supplied a model and a source of inspiration to a radicalised generation who were already looking for an alternative to the Soviet theory of ‘ revolution in stages ’ .
19 In contrast to the preceding period , none of this rise can be attributed to the investment of current account surpluses .
20 Said Mound : ‘ Without doubt , the success can be attributed to the integration of the subsurface team who moulded the comprehensive database bequeathed by a laboured appraisal programme into a highly tuned reservoir management tool . ’
21 The reader may be disappointed by the standard of what is written , but unlike other sites of criticism , this can not be attributed to the form of publication , only to the limitations of the author .
22 Mortensen 's ( 1933a ) confusion over the identity of the Ingolf specimens from Iceland can be attributed to the form of the second arm spine .
23 For example , a high status will typically be attributed to the aim of acquiring material control over nature within Western capitalist societies , but will be accredited with a low status in a culture in which knowledge is designed to produce feelings of contentment or peace .
24 Some of this increase can be attributed to the evaporation of remaining nitric acid from the condensed phase as temperatures rise .
25 * variations which can be attributed to the occurrence of identifiable and non-random events , such as bad weather , strikes or adverse publicity .
26 Bjornsson went on to study the newspapers of 11 countries , and found substantial differences , which he argued could not be attributed to the idiosyncrasies of the languages .
27 To some extent , the demoralisation and poverty of spirit I had encountered could be attributed to the misfortunes of geography ; to the fact that Czechoslovakia had such ruthless neighbours as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union .
28 This seems to be attributed to the mechanisation of mankind which he visualises .
29 With hindsight , this can be attributed to the inadequacies of his principle of inertia and of his lack of a clear conception of gravity as a force .
30 I can confirm that , of course , I made none of those statements , but I believe that each of them can be attributed to the Leader of the Opposition .
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