Example sentences of "be responsible for the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The TECs will continue to be responsible for the YT programme for this age group .
2 and you say P L C , somebody at P L C will be responsible for the freehold security
3 He had already begun to wonder if fusion could be responsible for the helium production when he discovered the Soviet paper on helium in metals — the same paper that the Indians had read .
4 — It was pointed out that the devolution of responsibility to Grade 1 and 2 for lower grades , meant that they would be responsible for the career development and training needs of staff they work with .
5 Mutations in several Pax genes lead to severe developmental abnormalities : ( 1 ) a mutation in the paired box of murine Pax-1 leads to the undulated phenotype which exhibits distortions of the vertebral column ; ( 2 ) a mutation in the Pax-6 gene leads to the semidominant Small eye phenotype in mouse and a mutation in the putative human homologue of this gene may be responsible for the aniridia disorder ; ( 3 ) mutations in the putative human homologue to Pax-3 ( HuP2 ) occasionally lead to hearing loss associated with Waardenburg 's syndrome , whereas in mouse a deletion in Pax-3 causes the splotch phenotype which is associated with spina bifida , exencephaly , a tail flexion defect and deficiencies in neural crest cell derivatives .
6 A product management structure may be superimposed on a functional structure in a matrix ; product or brand managers may be responsible for the sales budget , production budget , pricing , marketing , distribution , quality and costs of their product or product line , but may have to coordinate with the R & D , production , finance , distribution , and sales departments in order to bring the product on to the market and achieve sales targets , ie :
7 A child may work with father or mother ; s/he may look after a younger brother or sister ; s/he may be responsible for the family cow or goats or for selling the family produce in the market .
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