Example sentences of "be allow [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even advocates of the doctrine acknowledge that it must be exercised within defined limits , and not be allowed to serve as a facade for the furtherance of the intervening State 's own ends .
2 A strategy should never be allowed to evolve as a by.product of the efforts of the planning department .
3 Conference , this particular motion calls for an increase of members required to form a branch or be allowed to continue as a branch should it lose members .
4 If the court decided at this stage that the case did not in fact involve the performance of a public function , the case should normally be allowed to continue as a non-Ord. 53 case if the applicant wished .
5 It should be noted that where the grounds for revocation be serious detriment to the amenity the area , any disposal operation will be allowed to continue pending an appeal under s. 10(2) .
6 We think that a couple of buy-outs will be allowed to succeed as a form of window dressing .
7 The High Court says Keith Atkinson should be allowed to sue after an operation in nineteen sixty seven , even though some of the medical team have since died .
8 The main safeguards in this area are the Housing Acts , supported by public health legislation , which is intended to ensure that no person should be allowed to live in a dwelling that is unfit for human habitation .
9 The government is expected to take a decision on whether the plant will be allowed to open within a month or two of the ending of the latest round of public consultations on 4 October .
10 ‘ But would a train be allowed to leave during an alert ? ’
11 ‘ Am I to be allowed to phone for a cab from your apartment ? ’
12 The Levellers favoured annual , or at least biennial , elections , and suggested that no one should be allowed to stand as a candidate for two successive parliaments .
13 It seems likely that a similar decline will not be allowed to occur in a period of world food shortages , and continued changes along the present lines can be expected .
14 ‘ But he 's followed all the rules since he was given political asylum and I think he should be allowed to compete as an individual . ’
15 They 'd told her , on no account was he to be allowed to cry for a feed , but that at the same time he was n't to be put to the breast unless he really wanted to .
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