Example sentences of "be allow [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The unimpressiveness of some of Gandhi 's arguments in favour of ahi sā , however , should not be allowed to detract from the strength of other arguments , or cause us to lose sight of his basic position .
2 In 1986 there was a major debate about whether Westland Helicopters should be allowed to merge with the US helicopter giant Sikorsky , or whether it should be forced into a European partnership .
3 Will he explain why the perpetrator of the offence is to be allowed to return to the base where Mrs. X 's husband is stationed and where she lives ?
4 Moreover , people who had migrated to towns would be allowed to return to the countryside and receive plots upon joining co-operatives , while local residents who were not farmers would be allowed plots of 2,500 square metres provided that they paid a tax and undertook to put the land to cultivation .
5 In the event that the outbound flight is not used the person concerned will not be allowed to return on the inbound charter flight .
6 Much of the same inspiration could be seen in the army uniform , although soldiers will be allowed to choose between the kepi and a beret .
7 There they form the sole basis of the electoral system , and it is therefore indispensable that voters should be allowed to choose between the candidates they include .
8 Something so terrible that it must remain deeply buried , it must never be allowed to emerge into the light
9 There is , of course , a minimum number of modules that must be passed each year for any student to be allowed to continue on the Course .
10 There would be no " blanket de-collectivization " , and profitable collective and state farms would be allowed to continue in the context of equal opportunities being given to all forms of farm ownership .
11 Only large practices would be allowed to opt for the scheme .
12 Meanwhile , in a little-known episode of the Community 's history , Greenland in 1984 , following unanimous agreement among the Member States , became the only state to be allowed to withdraw from the EEC ; in doing so , it reduced the EEC 's land surface area by half .
13 Furious Geet FM bosses have organised huge public meetings and demonstrations calling for it to be allowed to remain on the air .
14 Those who had been in Italy before the end of 1989 and who registered within an appointed time limit were to be allowed to remain in the country and would be granted rights to medical care , schooling and equality of opportunity in relation to employment .
15 Mr. McAllion : The period of between six and 16 months during which employees will be allowed to remain in the TOPS is to enable trade union representatives and the new employers to negotiate new pension arrangements .
16 The French President , François Mitterrand , confirmed on Oct. 15 that Aoun had been granted political asylum as a " question of honour " and that he would be allowed to remain in the embassy indefinitely .
17 He said that no one should be allowed to rule in the name of religion , and warned that such groups would be " liquidated " .
18 There may be a good relationship between management and employees in most companies , but if people are not prepared to go down the road together they will not be allowed to go down the road at all .
19 He was to be allowed to go to the cinema with her .
20 With economic vision so blinkered it was to be expected that the economy would be allowed to drift with the market situation and without significant and positive government direction .
21 Despite Gorbachev 's assurances to two Armenian emissaries that a ‘ just solution ’ would be found , the Supreme Soviet Presidium warned on 23 March that ‘ self-proclaimed groups ’ ( a reference to the Karabakh Committee , a group of Armenian activists whose activities were made illegal ) could not be allowed to call for the redrawing of state and administrative boundaries , and Pravda made clear that the transfer of .
22 ROBERT Maxwell 's widow may be allowed to live in the family mansion at Oxford until the turn of the century , it was revealed yesterday .
23 A substantial number of Conservative MPs argued that parents of prospective pupils should be allowed to vote on the grounds that the parents of prospective pupils have a bigger stake in the future of the school than parents whose children are in their final year and who will not therefore be affected by any changes .
24 Yesterday , the Londonbased Irish Emigrants Voice campaign renewed its demands for Britain 's Irish community to be allowed to vote in the elections .
25 Water can be allowed to collect in the base and lifted out by wet vacuum if available .
26 Subsidised goods could n't be allowed to flood into the E E C as that would ruin western businesses .
27 Both said they had decided not to put their families through the ordeal of the embassy occupation and appeared to believe the assurance of Wolfgang Vogel , special envoy of Erich Honecker , the East German leader , that they would all be allowed to leave for the West with their dependents within six months .
28 The courts are unwilling to adjourn a petition more than once since it must not be allowed to hang over the debtor 's head indefinitely .
29 Maybe Mr Lewis would like to be allowed to walk in the country alongside the army in training ? — more fool him .
30 The main principle is that the secretarial aspect should not be allowed to predominate in the assessment while the more complex aspects of composition are ignored .
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