Example sentences of "be see [prep] [art] context [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The talks should be seen in the context of previous meetings in recent years between the ANC and Afrikaner verligtes .
2 He said it had to be seen in the context of the UK 's £25billion a year deficit on trade in manufactured goods , a 22 per cent fall in enrolment for engineering courses since 1985 and the forecast decrease in the number of 16- to 24-year-olds by the mid-1990's .
3 He said it had to be seen in the context of the UK 's £25billion a year deficit on trade in manufactured goods , a 22 per cent fall in enrolment for engineering courses since 1985 and the forecast decrease in the number of 16- to 24-year-olds by the mid-1990's .
4 Man-made carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels , about 5.6 billion tonnes a year , should be seen in the context of the natural carbon cycle of 200 billion tonnes exchanged every year between the atmosphere , the land and living things and the oceans .
5 That the project may now be delayed by Chinese inquisitiveness should be seen in the context of the fact that the current administration had dithered for 15 years on the project .
6 Those general truths need to be seen in the context of this particular bid .
7 A spokesman said the top salaries had to be seen in the context of the company 's performance last year and its importance as a global business .
8 Its two main preoccupations are , first , that reality is ( at least in part ) determined by the perceiver and , second , that individual freedom must be seen in the context of metaphysical necessity .
9 In order to understand Conductive Education it has to be seen in the context of the Hungarian State System .
10 For Caroline Spry , what has happened to the women 's film and video sector must be seen in the context of the dissipation of the broader women 's movement .
11 The issues discussed in this chapter have to be seen in the context of a workforce which is itself growing older .
12 These figures also have to be seen in the context of a rapid rise in demand and enrolments , despite the fact that black education is neither free nor compulsory , and expenditure is not keeping up with need .
13 The objectives of the new agency would be to assist the Community and the Member States to achieve the goals set out in the Treaty of Rome and in successive environmental action programmes ; it must also , however , be seen in the context of the European Council 's adoption on 2 December 1988 of the Rhodes Declaration on the Environment and the environment chapter in the Single European Act which comes into effect in 1992 .
14 This emphasis on discipline , has to be seen in the context of the specific nature of the social critique of youth , and of working-class life in general , which focused on notions of chaos , irrationality , spontaneity , and so on .
15 The form of the interview should be seen in the context of its main objectives .
16 Though these accident reductions are to be welcomed , they have to be seen in the context of what could have been achieved using alternative approaches , such as those used in Buxtehude or Berlin-Moabit .
17 ‘ But all this has to be seen in the context of what is going to happen to Britain and indeed the world in a climate of great tension between nations . ’
18 This has all to be seen in the context of the profound fatalism about life itself .
19 This should be seen in the context of the UK Government 's attempts to salvage the Maastricht Treaty by emphasising the principle of subsidiarity as well as in the context of the UK 's general hostility to regulation of labour and social affairs matters at EC level .
20 In Book One my main concern was to show that the Christian life is one that has to be seen in the context of the Great Battle .
21 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
22 Such support , however , has to be seen in the context of changing family patterns and of the patterns of employment .
23 This can be seen in the context of new sign formation .
24 Black immigration into Britain in the post-war period should be seen in the context of overall patterns of migration in relation to the United Kingdom .
25 The way in which the economy determines the ‘ structure in dominance , in the last instance can most clearly be seen in the context of a stable society where practices are mutually supportive .
26 The use of political anti-semitism within the BUF has to be seen in the context of these efforts at revival .
27 But this scheme should be seen in the context of the longer-term aspirations of some countries for greater economic and monetary union in Europe , and the steps that have been taken to achieve this .
28 The argument should be seen in the context of feminist debates about pornography and its significance .
29 Most importantly , effectiveness can not be measured in the generality ; it has to be seen in the context of what each firm is trying to achieve .
30 Changes in family and kinship patterns have to be seen in the context of long-term social transformations , leading to new class alignments , changes in the social environment , urbanisation , and a disruption of settled and traditional patterns .
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