Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to work [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I was unable to see how I could realistically expect students to take responsibility for classes after only six weeks in the School of Education , I decided ( after much self doubt ) to put the students on their first teaching practice in the fourth and fifth years of schools offering our joint GCE O Level/CSE French for Communication syllabus where they would be expected to work with the teachers in a variety of roles .
2 it is extremely doubtful that the overall system … can ever be made to work without the kind of total ideological commitment and radical transformation which underlie its operation in socialist Yugoslavia .
3 Section 60(2) , for example , has to be made to work in a case where the person entitled to be paid compensation is a beneficiary under a bare trust and not the person who made the deposit .
4 This is spectulative but not entirely fictional ; if it can be made to work by a combination of genetic and cellular engineering , it has amazing potential in gastroenterology .
5 What 's more , a reviewer 's design would have to be seen to work in every respect , not simply look outrageous , or match this tour 's stage set .
6 We also attempt to weave the plant into the local economic fabric by helping local firms to take part in its construction and by training local people so that they can be employed to work on the project .
7 In the past , children could be compelled to work on the farm , thus effectively denying them schooling .
8 I understand that the Committee will be asked to work for a decision by Easter .
9 Both can be trained to work to the net in the dark .
10 Although he could be put to work on the roads , or in the gravel pits , or on a farm ( as a ‘ roundsman ’ ) , that work brought in no extra funds to his community ; many over-populated agricultural communities faced bankruptcy in consequence .
11 I 'd be put to work on the Looms and you 'd be — ; Well , ’ said Caspar , who , despite his work for the Court and later the Gruagach , had retained a vestige of delicacy , ‘ well , I 'd rather not say what might happen to you .
12 The Rev. Thomas Tolming said that the Relieving Officer refused aid to deserving poor families who had children , considering that they ought to be put to work at the mine .
13 Course centres will be introducing the new scheme this autumn and it is hoped that even more students will be encouraged to work towards a Machine Knitting qualification .
14 On Feb. 12 the Communist Party daily Granma announced that the Ministry of Agriculture was to lose 25,500 posts , and the Ministry of Construction 50,000 , as part of the government 's rationalization of central administration ; 15,000 of those affected in the Ministry of Agriculture would be relocated , and half of those affected in the Ministry of Construction would be sent to work in the fields .
15 It is expected that a fully functional text recognition system will be required to work with a range of material , taken from a range of domains ( e.g. banking , insurance , estate agents , medical , technical , etc . ) .
16 The mini virus would then be genetically engineered altering the control gene so it and would be triggered to work as a defence mechanism if the body became HIV infected .
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