Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the need for " in BNC.

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1 Whilst in general planning permission is required for all development , certain uses falling within a class specified in an Order made by the Secretary of State may be undertaken without the need for planning permission .
2 The increase in the population of Chiswick caused thought to be given to the need for another Anglican Parish Church situated in the Turnham Green area , so Sir Gilbert Scott , R.A. was commissioned to design an appropriate church to be built on land granted by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul 's Cathedral , as Lord of the Manor of Little Sutton .
3 Recent data from King 's College Hospital have shown an unacceptable incidence of unrecognised maternal morbidity associated with caesarean section and this may be compounded by the need for repeated operative delivery in subsequent pregnancies .
4 There is now a sufficient body of opinion that areas should be conserved without the need for hunting .
5 Lastly , the hearth has to be tended , constantly supplied with fuel , and this can be likened to the need for the home to be paid ongoing care and attention , the absence of which will be felt as a cold and empty atmosphere .
6 If it is possible to put your point of view frankly to an impartial and sympathetic individual , it may be that the difficulties that have arisen can be resolved without the need for drastic action on anyone 's part .
7 Thus the volume and character of traffic in the street would be related to the need for environmental protection .
8 Participation in the affairs of State and open discussions of political matters must now be tempered by the need for survival between the testing conditions of competition abroad and what results from the State 's reactions to these conditions , the resentments of the population at home .
9 Such legal theorizing should , however , be tempered by the need for economic convergence , as was realized by those who drafted the Maastricht Treaty .
10 Although Mr Major has said he wants the debate over Scotland 's future to be extended , he has so far refused to be drawn on the need for a referendum .
11 He , too , needs to be briefed on the need for and the purpose of the photographs — for it is important to ensure his willing cooperation .
12 This scheme , for which N. F. Ramsey was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 1989 , enables the maximum resolution to be extracted without the need for a long and highly uniform interaction region .
13 AIRLINES could save millions , motorway signs could be more efficiently lit and bags could be sealed without the need for adhesive thanks to new technology to put microscopic grooves and markings on a surface .
14 They flourish in part because the benefit of limited liability must be weighed against the need for legal formalities in the formation , running and closure of companies , amongst other burdens which operating as a company brings ( e.g. publication of accounts ) .
15 ‘ A balance has to be struck between the need for development and the interests of conservation . ’
16 J. R. Anderson ( 1976 , 1983 ; Neves & J. R. Anderson , 1981 ) , for example , assumes that this occurs through a process of knowledge compilation in which repeated applications of declarative knowledge create task specific procedures which can be activated without the need for involvement from more general high level processes .
17 But this had to be reconciled with the need for good relations with the oil-rich Arab countries .
18 A third set of dilemmas revolves around the question of how greater consumer choice can be reconciled with the need for controls over the total growth of services to prevent an expenditure explosion .
19 It was felt that maybe a stronger emphasis should be put on the need for ecumenical and inter-faith dialogue .
20 Our research shows that local knowledge can be encouraged : people can be sensitized to the need for it via congruent formal and informal means .
21 Some regard must be taken of the need for a kind of clarity and boldness , a clear differentiation between an object and its background , for example , which need not concern the artist working for adult readers .
22 Decisions about data collection should be determined by the need for an informed society as well as for the concerns of government ; 2 .
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