Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the best [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
2 But the Government likes to submit to free market forces and developers attempt to respond , rather than taking into account where new homes should be built in the best interests of the public .
3 Sarah Hare , the youngest daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Hare of Stow Bardolph , Norfolk , was very specific regarding the simplicity of her grave-clothes and coffin , making her wishes abundantly clear in her will of 1743 : ‘ … my coffin to be made of the best Elm lin 'd with a thinn lead with a flap of lead sawder 'd down over me , not to have a nail or any ornament that is not absolutely necessary , except a plate with my coat of arms and with this inscription : They that humble themselves shall be Exalted . ’
4 The Kilbrandon Committee recommended that individual decisions should be made regarding the best measures for dealing with each child , and that these should be made separately from decisions about guilt or innocence .
5 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
6 Animals were demoniacs and possessed souls , albeit not to be seen in the best company , but were unequivocally free agents ( Evans 1987 : 66–7 ) . )
7 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
8 This may be done with the best intentions , but it can lead to frustration and arguments .
9 This is the Central Television Percy Thrower Trophy , very handsome trophy it is too and it 's going to be presented to the best gardener around here ; that 's after the break .
10 The influence of the Alpine atmosphere can clearly be felt in the best wines . ’
11 The following type of story might be told by the best man , a friend , or groom who works in the bride 's family business :
12 It has been argued that the sexual division of labour between husband and wife may be interpreted as the best way of maximising the welfare of the working class family , and certainly the struggle for a family wage benefited working class families to the extent that it raised the wages of the male breadwinner .
13 Based on the experience to date some clear conclusions can be drawn from the best practice approach :
14 The local topography , soil types , relative areas of upland and lowland will all be important considerations , but ultimately the ability of a community to feed itself will be the deciding factor ; in a subsistence economy , at any period , land will be used to the best advantage .
15 Whatever else happened , in what could be a very technically limiting production , Doctor Who would be founded by the best writers he could afford .
16 ‘ See , ’ the girl said proudly , ‘ these flowers made of gems , I created the pattern for them and designed the slippers in such a way that the amethysts would be shown to the best advantage . ’
17 He gave detailed instructions for the procedure to be followed if no suitable dissertations were submitted , concluding : ‘ But if no such dissertations , worthy , in the opinion of the said Examiners , of any such reward as aforesaid should be offered for seven years , then a Medal , to be purchased with the said accumulations , shall be offered for the best dissertation on any Veterinary subject thought worthy by the said Examiners of such reward , but at all times the Foot of the Horse is to be the subject preferred , and next to that the nature , causes and treatment of Glanders , and the diseases of the Eye in horses : And if there should be no successful dissertation at the end of seven years , then the amount of the said accumulations shall be disposed of by the said Governors in such manner as they in their discretion may think proper , so as they are applied for the promotion of Veterinary Science ’ .
18 Mr McNeill 's lump sum payment and pension will be based on the best pay of any year of the last three years of his career .
19 A decision needs to be reached about the best time in the day to hold the event .
20 The benefits to be derived from the best practice technique are not in doubt , but it will take time for the full bottom line effect to flow through .
21 When Smith was recommending it on television he said , ‘ I wish we could get beyond colour as the criterion and choose to be governed by the best men for the job . ’
22 Nelson wrote ‘ I have applications from the different line of battle ships for surveys on most of their sails and running rigging which can not be complied with as there is neither cordage nor sails to replace the unserviceable stores and therefore the evil must be combated in the best manner possible . ’
23 The season will be complemented by the best shorts in the British transport film unit 's archive .
24 Prenatal diagnosis often improves the management of such cases by allowing the baby to be delivered at the best time and place for appropriate surgery .
25 A bottle of bubbly will be awarded to the best article written using one of the headlines adopted in this edition of Environment Issues .
26 PRIZES will be awarded for the best carnations and bonsai at the Royal Horticultural Society 's show in Greycoat Street , London SW1 , to be held this Tuesday ( 11am-7pm , admission £2.50 ) and Wednesday ( 10am-5pm , admission £1.50 ) .
27 Notice was to be given to the pupils that prizes would be awarded for the best essay on the eye of the horse , embracing its anatomy and physiology , and also the laws of light applicable to vision , the chemical composition of the humour , and the pathology , treatment and results of the disease known as constitutional ophthalmia .
28 However , sophisticated pantographs based on optical measurement of the rotation of the joints can offer much better results although they still fall short of the sort of accuracies that can be obtained by the best systems .
29 if it is accepted that biotechnology is here to stay , how can it be controlled to the best advantage ?
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