Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [art] increase in " in BNC.

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1 The net downgrading can partly be explained by the increase in monitoring by the NRA .
2 These are to be inserted in the Schedule of Departmental Cost Allowances published in August 1988 and are to be adjusted by the increase in the cost allowances announced in SHHD/DGM ( 1989 ) 8 which amounts to 10.08% ; further they exclude on-costs , professional fees , equipment costs and land costs ) .
3 Where the cost of finance under a facility is determined by reference to a base rate ( such as LIBOR ) a change in the base rate should not be regarded as an increase in the level of finance costs for this purpose .
4 Thermal expansion of a liquid without change of phase can then be regarded as an increase in free volume .
5 The level of general interest rates is clearly beyond the control of intermediaries , but commissions can be trimmed and , as noted , yields at issue can be varied by an increase in the risk taken by underwriters .
6 SCOTTISH cereal farmers should be prepared for an increase in their growing costs , particularly for chemicals and to a lesser extent for fertilisers , as a result of successive devaluations of sterling since the United Kingdom 's departure from the exchange rate mechanism .
7 This trend may be accelerated by an increase in telecommuting ( working from home via a telecommunications link ) .
8 Mr justifies abandoning the approach in and on the basis that the decision was arrived at in a different housing market , when it was reasonable to conclude that the plaintiff 's loss of interest on the capital employed would be exceeded by the increase in the value of the property .
9 The effects of carbachol and gastrin on acid secretion seem to be mediated via an increase in intracellular calcium , achieved partly , as in many cell types , by inducing inositol phosphate turnover .
10 However , it is quite common for this factor to be reflected by an increase in the multiplier .
11 Apart from the load attempted suicide places on health service facilities , it is not yet known whether the high levels of the behaviour in recent years will subsequently be reflected in an increase in the numbers of completed suicides .
12 For if one ignores the relationship between the 's and β , and g , equation ( 4.29 ) seems to say that the level of real output can be raised by an increase in the quantity of money , regardless of whether or not that increase is predictable .
13 For example if a person who has £3,000 capital receives a monthly pension of £200 paid into their bank account , this should not be assessed as an increase in savings unless it remains unspent at the time the next payment is due .
14 The benefits in earnings terms from devaluation have to be set against the increase in these liabilities .
15 Is she making a promise to the British people that this improvement will be financed by an increase in taxation , or that , just as the Conservative Government have always aspired to improve that target , so will a Labour Government , and the British people will have to wait a long time for such an improvement to materialise ?
16 ‘ And finally , evidence of the growing underclass is to be found in the increase in single-parent families , the increase in crime , and the lack of attachment to ‘ conventional ’ values .
17 If so , the cord should be clamped before the increase in plasma oxytocin concentration .
18 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
19 It was recognized that the young king was particularly close to his mother 's family , and there was therefore a danger that the coronation of the young king would be followed by an increase in the family 's power .
20 It was recognized that the young king was particularly close to his mother 's family , and there was therefore a danger that the coronation of the young king would be followed by an increase in the family 's power .
21 One , the Instrumental form , can be observed in the increase in outside intervention in school and teacher practices partly by LEAs ( Parsons and Steadman , 1984 ) , and more recently by the DES ( Davis , 1980 ; Lawton , 1984 ; Raggatt and Weiner , 1985 ) .
22 Secondly , consider the effect of an autonomous increase in the real money supply ( this could be caused by an increase in the nominal money stock or a fall in the general price level ) .
23 A reduction in the barrage of antismoking advice during the teenage years would thus be combined with an increase in health promotion aimed at a more responsive group .
24 Alternatively , LTP may be associated with an increase in the sensitivity to Ca 2+ to one or more components of the release mechanism .
25 Once development begins , the embryo divides rapidly and each mitosis seems to be associated with an increase in calcium .
26 Taylor assumed , for example , that workers were rational and would be motivated by an increase in wages and hence by linking wages to productivity the worker would produce more .
27 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
28 The extra energy not being allowed to be expressed as an increase in c appears as a commensurate increase in f , that is : ( formula included ) where m is the photon equivalent mass ( yes I know it is related to E but I am trying not to confuse myself ) , E is the energy , and h is Mr Plank 's claim to fame .
29 Use of metallurgical coal will grow only marginally because of the poor prospects for the steel industry while a decline in coal use for direct home heating will be balanced by an increase in that used for district heating systems .
30 This , however , must be achieved by an increase in total resources and not simply by a redistribution of those already available .
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