Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [verb] thank [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After reading your December/January issue of Tennis World , I felt I must write to thank you for the article entitled ‘ Agassi — A Coach 's Dream ’ .
2 I should like to thank them for their outstanding contribution to BP , extending over many years .
3 I should like to thank everyone in the Division for all the hard work which has gone into making 1990 a year of significant progress .
4 Now we do n't have any new things , I should have Thank you for asking the question because we 're trying to give the impression of a medieval house the what 's special about this is that it 's a medieval house as it looked when it was new .
5 you know , I 'll say thank you for taking Anna-Marie to , to the Mozart concert .
6 Yes er I 'd like to thank everybody for coming along , and I 've I 've said to John , Oop .
7 Martina has delighted me with her form for 14 years which I 'd like to thank her for .
8 On her retiral she commented , ‘ I 've enjoyed many rewarding moments through the years and I 'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful send off and beautiful gifts . ’
9 ‘ On behalf of all the players , I 'd like to thank him for what he 's done , ’ said Heatherston .
10 I 'd like to thank you for the feature Redundancy — Your Survival Guide ( September GH ) .
11 I 'd like to thank you for agreeing to do this . ’
12 " I 'd like to thank you for stopping by .
13 Mr Chairman , er , I 'd like to thank you for those nice words of introduction but I am particularly delighted as I am a lifelong member of the G M B , of almost thirty five years ' standing , due to my employment with British Gas and my long membership with the Labour Party .
14 I 'd like to thank you for coming . ’
15 Erm , and I also understand that this is the first time you 've actually had someone from the private sector , er , whose been invited to er , address your A G M so , I 'd like to thank you for the privilege , and for also for the opportunity to speak on a subject which I personally er , find of of great interest .
16 I would like to thank him for his considerable contribution to the company 's success over the last three years .
17 I would like to thank him through your columns , but would also dearly like to hear form him if he feels so inclined .
18 Okay , I would like to thank everybody on this item who has taken part in the responsible bits of the debate .
19 I WOULD like to thank everyone for their tremendous efforts in selling draw tickets this year .
20 I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in 1993 .
21 Waterlife Research Industries have kindly replaced the test kit , even though they were not at fault and I would like to thank them for this .
22 I would like to thank them for their continuing forbearance and understanding , and for their hard work throughout the year .
23 I would like to thank you for helping my case by removing the names of my coauthors — Jim Bull and Robert Paxton — from the article ‘ Why some insects look pretty nasty ’ ( 6 January , p 26 ) .
24 I would like to thank you for interviewing Jim Marshall on the thirtieth anniversary of the company which bears his name .
25 And sir , both of you , both you sir , Mr and you sir , Mr , er I would like to thank you for the way in the way you have conducted this enquiry .
26 I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in this post .
27 ‘ But I would like to thank you for one thing — ’
28 I would like to thank you for coming into the studio today , and I 'm sure we 'll receive a lot of letters from our listeners about what 's been said .
29 Finally , I would wish to thank you for publicising the efforts being made by peace and reconciliation groups in Craigavon , and Northern Ireland generally ; and trust you will continue to do so .
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