Example sentences of "i [vb past] to look [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine my shock when , just as I 'd begun thumping the bottom of the big brown pot , I chanced to look inside the bin and there , half buried in rubbish , was Cymbeline 's red plastic teapot .
2 I tried to look at the scenery .
3 This seemed to me to be a pretty fair definition of hell , but I tried to look like a man who enjoyed such occasions .
4 I moved to look for the girl .
5 I stopped to look at the shore .
6 ‘ We toured the Transport Museum , ’ said Peter , ‘ and Alexander Karaulov and I stopped to look at the autogyro on display .
7 I came to look at the gravestone . ’
8 I was determined to get him , and must have been concentrating so intently on his movements that , like a fool , I forgot to look in the mirror until it was too late .
9 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
10 I turned to look through the windows .
11 So I began to look for a husband .
12 Well , when I was asked to speak to you today , I decided to look at the Oxford Dictionary 's definition of Community , which is joint ownership or liability .
13 He was so frightened that I went to look for the animal .
14 On reading the Echo report I had to look at the top of the page to make certain that the date was June 1st and not April 1st .
15 To do this , I had to look in the directory . ’
16 I had to look in the top of his wardrobe .
17 ‘ I 'm sorry , truly I am , but I had to look after the boys .
18 I saw it erm I ran it — I ca n't remember why I was running it , oh I think I wanted to look at an actor erm , oh no , it was at a festival and I had to sit through it and I was very disappointed in it , I found it slow and rather obvious and erm a little lacking in bite .
19 I wanted to look at the tapestries , Sergeant .
20 In a Panorama documentary on Monday night , Tim 's father Colin will say : ‘ I wanted to look at the man , to hear his voice and to ask him directly about how he could be in league with an organisation like the IRA .
21 ‘ We indicated we would be interested to talk to Gerry Adams , because I wanted to look at the man and hear his voice and ask him directly about how he could be in league with an organisation like the IRA .
22 ‘ We indicated we would be interested to talk to Gerry Adams , because I wanted to look at the man and hear his voice and ask him directly about how he could be in league with an organisation like the IRA .
23 Now , I wanted to look at the possibilities of a rather softer approach and tried out some alternative ways of using eh Faber-Castell Polychromos Pastels .
24 I wanted to look in a mouth to see where those tusks were anchored .
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