Example sentences of "i [be] standing [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am standing beside the stool , helping .
2 If a car suddenly swerves round the corner while I am standing in the middle of the road , the right thing for me to do is to jump for the pavement as spontaneously as a cat .
3 I thought , ‘ Wow , I 'm standing on the top of the world ’ . ’
4 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
5 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
6 I 'm standing on the railway ?
7 What , any other things that you 'd got , but I talked to each group individually , erm but if you want to share any of your thoughts with everybody else I 'm standing in the way .
8 I 'm standing in the kitchen going kkeerr .
9 I 'm standing in the line of fire .
10 So I go back and I 'm standing in the doorway , and there 's this kid on the bed and he 's thrown up all over the cover and now he 's starting to shake .
11 Early fog had cleared and the airport manager and I were standing on the tarmac lining up the motorcade when my car phone rang .
12 I could not see what had happened , as I was standing on the settee to reach into the tank ( on a bookcase ) and the Meth blue was n't helping either .
13 I was standing on the side of the stage watching him .
14 Well I tell you what I was doing , I was in the stern of the boat coming ashore with one oar in the stern of the boat , I was like hell you know , and I was standing on the sculling .
15 ‘ I began to lose consciousness and felt that I was standing on the world 's edge aside of a high , dark space looking across it , thinking that I was about to enter into it .
16 But overhead — I was standing on the steps down to the gravel — the stars were out .
17 J. Marshall , Tanners Hill Cottage , Crook : I was standing on the steps of Durham Crown Court waiting to go in the public gallery , the assizes were on .
18 I was standing on the grass — just standing there .
19 This guy went out with Lee next day , and I was standing at the back of the 9th green when Lee 's manager came running up to me and said , ‘ Willie , you 've got to take the bag — Lee 's fired the other guy . ’
20 At about three o'clock in the afternoon , I was standing at the door of the inn when I saw a blind man coming along the road .
21 In the break before he actually started , I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair and he came up , took the brush out of my hand — I had very long , waist-length , peroxide blonde hair in those days — and he said , ‘ What are you doing after the show ? '
22 I was standing at the sink after lunch with the usual daily mountain of washing at the side .
23 " I was standing at the ship 's side , and the chain caught on something and broke .
24 ‘ Do you know , ’ said Jessica , ‘ I was standing at the bus stop once , and two little Catholic girls came along so sweet you would have thought that they were angels .
25 I was standing outside the Beverly Wilshire Hotel , in Los Angeles , talking to Cary Grant , when a woman saw me and she shrieked , ‘ You 're him !
26 In a few seconds — it had been perhaps a minute in all since I had lost sight of them — I was standing under the tree , on an unrevealing carpet of shrivelled carats .
27 I was standing in the back of a small boat , drifting down some English river I 've never seen — the kind with dappled , overhang-ing leaves reflected in the water — grasping a punt-pole in my hands and propelling the flat boat like it was something I 'd done for years .
28 I was standing in the wings on prompt side amid the varicosed tangle of cables webbing the black stage .
29 I was standing in the bows looking forward when suddenly our gently hissing bow-wave turned into a glowing mass of green fire , which reflected from our hull and bathed us in a ghostly light .
30 I was standing in the Hemingford Arms one Friday evening , minding my own business , having a drink with a few friends , when Simon introduced me to someone he knew called Keith .
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