Example sentences of "for the first half [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday it announced figures for the first half of 1989 so late in the day that the London market had mostly packed up and gone home by the time the screens showed that profits had risen from Ir £109m to Ir £121m and earnings were up from 21.7p to 25.4p basic .
2 When one notes that Jaguar 's pre-tax profits for the first half of 1989 had slumped to £1.4 million , it is easy to see that a company valuation of £1.6 billion might be considered rather high .
3 Aggregate quotas for the 13 OPEC countries were increased progressively from 16,600,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) for the second half of 1988 to 18,500,000 bpd for the first half of 1989 , to 19,500,000 bpd for the second half of 1989 ( and further to 20,500,000 bpd for the fourth quarter of the year ) and to 22,086,000 bpd for the first half of 1990 ( see pp. 36573 ; 36751 ; 36910 ; 37053 ) .
4 They believe the reported profits for the first half of 1991 may have been materially overstated , and that further publication of these results as a basis of comparison may be misleading .
5 The interim p&l account , balance sheet and cash flow statement therefore do not include comparative figures for the first half of 1991 ; the full year 1991 figures are shown , however .
6 The decision , taken in advance of the fourth party congress scheduled for the first half of 1991 , was thought to be primarily a cost-cutting exercise in response to the deepening economic crisis , as the country 's preferential trading terms with the Soviet Union and other COMECON countries were about to expire ; commentators also viewed the changes as concentrating power within the party in fewer hands .
7 On his return from Baghdad on Jan. 14 Pérez de Cuéllar consulted in Paris with Jacques Poos , the Luxembourg Foreign Minister and President of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 .
8 In mid-April the Luxembourg government , which held the EC Council presidency for the first half of 1991 , presented a 95-page draft treaty document focusing on political union .
9 The Luxembourg government , which held the presidency of the Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , presented a redrafted draft union treaty on June 20 .
10 Austria , which chaired the European Free Trade Area ( EFTA ) Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , continued to press for agreement with the EC on a common European economic area ( EEA ) [ see pp. 38353 ; 38307 ] , which Economic Affairs Minister Schüssel described in January 1991 as " an important interim step … along the path to full [ EC ] membership " .
11 Santer visited the Soviet Union on Oct. 21-24 , 1990 , shortly before the Grand Duchy took over the presidency of the European Community Council for the first half of 1991 .
12 In July 1991 the SSB released economic figures for the first half of 1991 [ see p. 38340 ] .
13 The budget for the first half of 1918 had been estimated at 17.6 milliard roubles expenditure , but revenue at only 2.8 milliard .
14 Insurance group Guardian Royal Exchange has broken new ground by publishing a review by auditors Price Waterhouse in its interim results statement for the first half of 1992 .
15 Insurance group Guardian Royal Exchange broke new ground by publishing a review by its auditors , also Price Waterhouse , of the interim results for the first half of 1992 ( see ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 17 ) .
16 Transworld Communications ( operator of independent radio stations ) devotes a page to an unaudited half year summary in its interim report for the first half of 1992 .
17 In its interim report for the first half of 1992 , the insurance group has changed its accounting policy to reflect the total investment return — including realised and unrealised gains arising on its shareholder and general insurance funds — in its consolidated p&l account .
18 In its interim report for the first half of 1992 , the European packaging manufacturer has included the gross preference share dividends on the UK redeemable preference shares in finance charges , rather than as a distribution out of the net profits after tax and minority interests .
19 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
20 The Commission had pressed for a 35 per cent reduction , while the latest compromise proposal by the Portuguese government ( which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1992 ) argued for a reduction of 27 per cent .
21 For the first half of this century it was associated with intellectuals , of whom Einstein was the epitome .
22 The company swung the axe before revealing pre-tax losses of £129 million for the first half of this year .
23 As regards SNA and local network convergence , for the first half of this year the company will continue with its existing 4100 series , ( used to integrate SDLC traffic onto Token Ring networks ) , the 6600 system for multiprotocol Token Ring routing , and the 6400/6800 modular system with multiprotocol routing .
24 However , much of twentieth century suburbia has neither been designed by architects , nor planned by planners , and has indeed been the subject of much invective by architects for the first half of this century .
25 Erm but the reality is that erm we would therefore need our budget to , in fact for the first half of this year , to have , well for the whole year , to have reflected the late delivery of the systems which would 've , if we 'd had that in the budget and we 'd been projecting the whole budget at say two point six , our budget figure would 've been somewhere in the region of another eighty to ninety thousand higher than it currently is for this first quarter .
26 Yeah , the payroll costs for the first half of last year were seventy three point eight million the payroll costs for the first half of the review were sixty eight point eight
27 This reflects , effectively , the sale of another of our shares in Cedar Fayre The profit on sale of fixed assets comes right down , as you again er , I think all know , we 've had the benefit of our last of shares and we 're actually rather pleasantly surprised that we were able to er , sell some land at Lakeside to CostCo , which is why we have some profit of three million er , for the first half of ninety three .
28 Redundancy costs for the first half of three point two million , nought point seven million less than ninety two .
29 Aggregate quotas for the 13 OPEC countries were increased progressively from 16,600,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) for the second half of 1988 to 18,500,000 bpd for the first half of 1989 , to 19,500,000 bpd for the second half of 1989 ( and further to 20,500,000 bpd for the fourth quarter of the year ) and to 22,086,000 bpd for the first half of 1990 ( see pp. 36573 ; 36751 ; 36910 ; 37053 ) .
30 The rotating presidency of the Council was held by Ireland for the first half of 1990 , by Italy for the second half of 1990 , and in 1991 it was held first by Luxembourg and then by the Netherlands .
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