Example sentences of "for [art] [adj] use of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Agreements were reached with Colombia in June for closer co-operation to combat drug trafficking ; with Brazil in July ( i ) to begin bilateral discussions on economic complementation within the juridical structure of the Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) ; ( ii ) for scientific , technical and technological co-operation over three years ; and ( iii ) to combat drug trafficking ; with Argentina in August for the peaceful use of nuclear energy ; with Spain in October for a $2,000 million economic co-operation package ; with Mexico establishing a framework for a free trade pact to ensure common tariffs on imports by June 1991 and to create a bilateral common market by 1995 ; with the USA in November lifting export restrictions on goods from small and medium-sized Chilean firms under the US generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) ; and with Czechoslovakia on future co-operation .
2 Only when the conditions mature for the wide use of mechanical farming for the organization of collective farms and for the socialist reform of rural areas er can the need for a rich peasant economy cease and this will take a somewhat lengthy time to achieve .
3 Credit will be given for the appropriate use of complex sentences , punctuation and vocabulary , and for grammatical accuracy .
4 To develop a concern for the right use of physical activity in the promotion of health and fitness .
5 This research will analyse this process of reconstruction and consider its implications for the continued use of scientific evidence within the criminal justice system .
6 In this chapter we will attempt to examine some of the reasons for the continued use of custodial sentences .
7 A campaign for the effective use of current resources is not at all incompatible with a campaign for additional ones and may enhance the clarity with which the shortfall in support for teachers is expressed .
8 The technology for the effective use of solar power to produce heat exists today and , could , in the right climatic conditions , save a great deal of fossil fuel with widespread use , either to produce low temperature or , when focussed , high temperature industrial or domestic heating .
9 That special type of case was broadly one where the acts of an intruder , however continuous and far-reaching , did not substantially interfere with any plans which the owners might have for the future use of undeveloped land …
10 In British local government the committee system provides scope for the wider use of elected representatives in an administrator-dominated context , though here such involvement may further undermine representative government since it will depend primarily upon personal characteristics .
11 What it really meant was that when draft EEC legislation was being drawn up last year , for the permitted use of intense sweeteners , including saccharin , nobody remembered to include crisps and snacks .
12 In the case of Georgia , for instance , the legislation provided for the greater use of Georgian in official business , and for compulsory instruction in Georgian for school pupils of other nationalities .
13 It may be true , as some suggest , that working-class budgets would not stretch to paying for the regular use of new birth-control methods but old , tried and cheap techniques might still be used .
14 Awards were on offer for the best use of individual techniques , plus a section judged on the ‘ total look ’ .
15 What is required now is a strategy for the socialist use of democratic control over the local state which , while never neglecting what efforts are possible at providing services in a socialist ( i. e. humane and effective ) fashion in the foreseeable future , pays a great deal of attention to the use of resources for the mobilization of forces .
16 One reason for the widespread use of written tests is the ease of administration and collection of data .
17 The decree stated that within three months negotiations with other CIS member-states and former Soviet republics would establish co-ordinating mechanisms for the safe use of atomic energy .
18 In either case , this should allow the social services authority to hold the not-for-profit body to account for the proper use of public funds .
19 Fiscal accountability — accountability for the proper use of public money .
20 The research will be of general educational relevance , and will also have important implications for the clinical use of short-term memory span tests as a measure of short-term memory capacity .
21 Nor would the suggestion of a derivational link to a noun hold good for an associative use of young rather common in advertisements : ( 14 ) the young place to go young clothes the young thing to do Another thing to emphasize is that what we are considering does not depend on a change of sense in the adjective ; in some cases , certainly , the shift from ascription to association or vice versa may be accompanied by or compatible with such a lexical change ; but this may happen equally in cases of classical structural ambiguity , such as : ( 15 ) Charles will give a talk on the village green where two different senses of on are called upon , as one shifts from the one structure to the other .
22 If the utilitarian looks at it in this way , he takes it as a criterion for an acceptable use of ethical words , and way of understanding moral judgement , that it should give them a factual content which is the only one which it is sensible to expect people in general to endorse as a sensible guide to acceptable conduct .
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