Example sentences of "was lucky [adv] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In connection with the Queen of the Night and her birds , I was lucky enough to see an example of such interaction recently when I watched a woman falconer give a demonstration of her art .
2 In the Sokol valley I was lucky enough to watch a stock circling above for several minutes .
3 I was lucky enough to receive an invitation for the special AGM held at the Guildhall London , attended by Lady Baden-Powell and other Guiding dignitaries including a lady who has been connected with Guiding for all its 75 years .
4 In 1884 New Zealand was lucky enough to acquire a railway architect and engineer who had been trained in Scotland .
5 I was lucky enough to join the makers of Gospel Green , a Sussex-made hard cheese , to watch the cheesemaking in process .
6 He added : ‘ I was here last year with the Irish team and was lucky enough to score a couple of tries in the Test that we lost in Dunedin .
7 Just as I was about to give up zoology , I was lucky enough to attend a lecture by the great ethologist Niko Tinbergen .
8 Alan was lucky enough to discover a scorpion in the fruit bowl .
9 He delivered his dissertation on time , was awarded his doctorate , and was lucky enough to obtain a lectureship in the Comparative Literature Department at the University of Suffolk , ‘ the last new job in Romanticism this century ’ , as he was wont to describe it , with justifiable hyperbole .
10 Later I was lucky enough to obtain a copy of his Impressionist Painting in Oils , a , small handbook published by The Artists ' Publishing Co .
11 The only difference her success made was that she thought her an incompetent fool who was lucky enough to make a bit of money . ’
12 Several weeks later , John was lucky enough to find a home , but Poppy did n't have to cope alone for long .
13 If a man was lucky enough to get a job it was expected that he would use his position to find jobs for others in his family or village .
14 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
15 ‘ I got in touch with your old man , baby , and then I was lucky enough to get a lift to this — this Wilderness place . ’
16 I auditioned along with everyone else and was lucky enough to get the part .
17 At Glasgow School of Art , she was lucky enough to have a teacher who understood that an artist has to ‘ break down some kind of barrier within yourself ’ , transcending stifling Scottish morality .
18 We did n't have much , so we learned to make the most of what we did have , and if a man was lucky enough to have a job he put everything into it .
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