Example sentences of "was brought [adv prt] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The consignment was brought over in the same way and after it was left in a lay-by in Lymm , Cheshire , Customs officers pounced when Scott arrived to collect it .
2 He was brought up in a rough area of Bradford and he and his mates used to play against the front shop of my old mate and skipper Brian Close .
3 But I was brought up in a Catholic Home you see .
4 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
5 I was brought up in a different era where you had to entertain yourself .
6 I was brought up in a hard school , Mrs Willow , and I do n't forget it .
7 Described as ‘ kind-hearted , yet … a lively and obstinate boy , , Tom was brought up in a prosperous house ( his father was a manager of a textile firm ) and was used to a well-stocked meal table .
8 Moses was brought up in a high-ranking Egyptian family and then , later in life , led a lowly people , the Jews .
9 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
10 As a male Caucasian with a father who had died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 59 , I was brought up in the smoky atmosphere of a northern industrial town .
11 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
12 The son of a Scottish father who deserted the family home at an early age and a Jewish mother , McLaren was brought up in the middle-class London suburb of Edgware .
13 She was brought up in the colonial culture of India and married to a senior military figure .
14 And although he was brought up in the Protestant culture of Scotland 's capital , he is a fervent supporter of Celtic , the club of Roman Catholic persuasion in the hostile territory of Glasgow .
15 She , by contrast , though affection-starved , was brought up in an easy-going atmosphere .
16 Now Mill realizes that the objection to this is the last problem coercion , that if people 's votes are known , then some people might be able to put pressure on others to vote one way rather than another and as I said why the secret ballot was brought in in the first place .
17 A child was brought in in the last stages of diphtheria .
18 This was brought out in an incisive account of the impact of the Bauhaus on modern society by Baudrillard ( 1981 : 185–203 ) , in whose view this principle of creating order through style has become dominant over social interest , as a kind of structuralism imposed on everyday life .
19 This was brought about in no small degree by the invention in the 1890s of the safety bicycle which gave a wide cross-section of the population real mobility for the first time .
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