Example sentences of "was set [adv prt] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Overseas Research Students ( ORS ) Awards Scheme was set up by the secretary of state for education and science in 1979 to provide awards for partial remission of tuition fees to overseas post-graduate students of outstanding merit and research potential .
2 Suffice to say that it became evident fairly soon that the existing monetary techniques of regulation were not sufficiently effective , and in 1957 a committee was set up by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to inquire into the working of the monetary and credit system in the UK .
3 Britain 's ski charity , The British Ski Educational Trust Ltd , was founded in 1966 , soon after the British Ski Federation was set up by the Ski Club of Great Britain .
4 Following the commission 's recommendations , the Health Targets and Implementation Committee was set up by the state and federal health ministers to develop national goals and targets .
5 A family planning association was set up by the Government in 1972 , and the Government 's First Five Year Plan proposed the promotion of several different types of birth control .
6 GILL Rowlands , the ‘ trade union rights Commissioner ’ , whose expensive Warrington office to hear complaints against trade unions was set up by the government five years ago , says 1991-92 was ‘ an encouraging year ’ .
7 With the beginning of the war , the Emergency Medical Service ( EMS ) was set up by the Government .
8 The National Council for Vocational Qualifications was set up by the Government .
9 The Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( FMSM — an alliance led by Jérôme Marojama Razanabahiny of Vonjy ) , was set up by the government as a counterweight to the new opposition parties .
10 It was set up by the government to advise it on environmental policy .
11 NAMAS , specialists in the field of laboratory techniques , was set up by the government to raise and maintain the standards of laboratory work .
12 The first meeting takes place this week and I am asked to make a presentation to the Committee which was set up by the minister of finance . ’
13 The Working Party on Internal Migration in Britain , which was set up by the Institute of British Geographers in l988 , aims at the better understanding of the patterns , causes and implications of migration in Britain .
14 The project should be discussed by the school librarian and the teachers to examine a ) what is being taught b ) what skills pupils are expected to acquire c ) what aspects of information handling are involved d ) at what stage of the project will pupils use the microcomputer e ) what information the pupils will gain from the microcomputer and how this information will be used In Bridge of Don Academy in Aberdeen , a project was set up by the school librarian and the modern studies teacher who was teaching a class of third-year pupils on the topic of " Conflict and the protection of the environment " .
15 The working party was set up by the Church 's Communications Committee and is headed by Canon Colin Semper , former Head of Religious Radio at the BBC .
16 A West Lothian advanced training group was set up by the club and there are also two junior development groups which operate as feeder teams .
17 As promised by Palmerston during the previous session , a Select Committee was set up by the House of Commons on 28th April , 1856 to consider ‘ the best means of providing Accommodation for the various Public Departments in the Neighbourhood of Downing Street ’ .
18 This project was set up by the county council and Countryside Commission to experiment with new approaches to path maintenance .
19 A UK working party , which included many medically qualified people , was set up by the Department of Health and Social Security , under the chairmanship of Professor Patrick Lawther in 1978 .
20 Staffing allotment will be 654 for England , 225 for Wales , 385 for Scotland and 86 for the joint UK Nature Conservation Committee , which was set up by the Department of Environment to provide a central voice for the NCC .
21 The new draft allowed permanent government officials to hold Cabinet posts concurrently ; gave the NLA , which was set up by the military , the power to nominate senators ; and gave senators , along with MPs , the right to screen candidates for the premiership , and to launch no confidence motions against the government .
22 A working party to tackle the under representation of ethnic minorities at management level in the hospitality industry was set up by the Commission for Racial Equality .
23 The Labour Party was set up by the trade unions and is still funded by the trade unions .
24 The earlier student strike , in April , was set off by the dismissal of law teacher Dominic Mngomezulu , which students believed was due to his union activities .
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