Example sentences of "was widely [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The election was widely characterized as a contest between " angel " or pro-democracy parties which had opposed the Suchinda government ( the Democrat Party , New Aspiration Party , Palang Dharma and Ekkaparb ) and " devil " or pro-military parties .
2 This was widely regarded as a triumph for Levi , who received a guarantee that he would retain his present Cabinet position in any future Likud-led government , and a written assurance that his supporters would receive increased representation within Likud institutions , the government , Knesset ( parliament ) committees and the Jewish Agency .
3 He dressed from the Pinner charity shops , and was widely regarded as a gentleman , who wittered on rather too much about himself and could be a bit of a nuisance when he was drunk .
4 The Excess Profits Duty was widely regarded as a concession to mounting concern over profiteering ( Maguire 1987 ) , but the decision to levy it on societies posed fundamental questions about the nature of the cooperative enterprise .
5 Israel 's acceptance of Italy as a venue was widely regarded as a concession .
6 Hau was widely regarded as a conservative , and violent street protests erupted in Taipei when news of his appointment emerged .
7 As a member of the politburo 's military faction he was widely regarded as a conservative .
8 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
9 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
10 Huge though the payment was , it was widely regarded as a bargain , partly because most of the bill was met by insurers and partly because the amount was a fraction of the outstanding claims against the firm .
11 The directors recommended that the dividend payout to shareholders should be increased by 25 per cent to 7.5p a share which was widely regarded as a move designed to ward off a takeover bid .
12 She was widely regarded as a crank .
13 Until recently it was both convenient and accurate to use the term ‘ Western ’ to describe this asymmetry , and the idea of ‘ Western imperialism ’ was widely acknowledged as a way of analyzing the global system .
14 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
15 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
16 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
17 However , the move was widely seen as a concession to the President , Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema .
18 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
19 Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries .
20 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
21 His appointment ( subject to Senate approval ) was widely interpreted as a sign of the Bush administration 's determination to secure still further improvements in US-Soviet relations .
22 The new law was widely interpreted as a concession to the Medellín drug cartel .
23 Hrawi 's message was widely interpreted as a warning to Gen. Aoun that forces in West Beirut might be preparing to offer support to Geaga 's forces .
24 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Feb. 21 reported that Azhar 's execution was widely interpreted as a warning to those contemplating carrying out acts of terrorism in connection with the Gulf war .
25 In a politically bold move whose timing was widely interpreted as a favour to Margaret Thatcher with a week to go to the Commonwealth summit in Kuala Lumpur , Mr de Klerk said that the prisoners would be released as soon as prison formalities were dealt with .
26 The retention of these two was widely interpreted as a move by the future government to counterbalance the influence of President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , who had resisted requests from Aylwin that he step down for his post of Commander in Chief of the Army [ see p. 37117 ] .
27 In what was widely interpreted as a bid for electoral advantage — securing Florida 's 25 electoral college votes was seen as essential if Bush was to win re-election to the White House — the President also announced that the government would provide 100 per cent federal reimbursement to local authorities for recovery operations , rather than the 75 per cent customary in such cases .
28 The move was widely interpreted as a confirmation of Keating 's position as Hawke 's successor , and fuelled speculation that the Prime Minister might step down before the next election .
29 A former Methodist minister from Victoria and a leading member of the ALP 's left wing , Howe 's appointment was widely interpreted as a reward for the left 's support of Hawke in the leadership contest .
30 The move was widely interpreted as a gesture towards Israel , the announcement coinciding with the start of the fifth round of Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see p. 38885 ] .
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