Example sentences of "was necessary [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was evidence that in order to save both lives it was necessary to perform a Caesarean section on the mother .
2 C 224 , p. 3 ) , it was lawful for a member state to require operators of fishing vessels , be they individuals or companies , to maintain a real and permanent presence on shore in its territory where the vessel was registered , in so far as such presence was necessary to enable the member state to fulfil its obligations under international law and under the Common Fisheries Policy .
3 Traffic carried by the new truck waterway thus increased beyond the volume of goods which had been conveyed along the old cul-de-sac Arun Navigation and it was necessary to extend the waterside storage buildings that had been established at Newbridge .
4 To carry out a proper exploration of these veins in some depth it was necessary to have a drainage adit otherwise there would have been continual hindrance with water .
5 However , it was necessary to renew the roof covering of clay plain tiles with identical material .
6 Children were employed in field work for this was necessary to supplement the family income and Halling was no exception as the school log books show of children absenting from school in the 19th century to go pea picking and gleaning .
7 It struck me this mouse would be very attractive to portable users , but the generous serial lead to the receiver unit is a bit inconvenient for this.One thing I noticed straight away compared with my A4 Tech Microsoft Mouse clone was that it was necessary to reduce the movement sensitivity of my Windows mouse driver .
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