Example sentences of "be [verb] at [art] door [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The youthful trio of Scott Booth , Duncan Ferguson and Stephen Wright are all acknowledged , meanwhile , to be knocking at the door of opportunity with a greater urgency than most — apart from the indisposed Eoin Jess .
2 Any remaining tickets can be bought at the door on the night of the demonstration .
3 ‘ It is obvious that responsibility for 100 years of decline of UK plc must be laid at the door of the Establishment which purported to guide the affairs of the nation , ’ Peter Morgan told them in a speech which commanded wide attention .
4 Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the disorganised America 's Cup Organising Committee , who for the past 10 months have been on the brink of bankruptcy .
5 Plainly this confusion can not be laid at the door of the petitioner .
6 John Pain also had vivid memories of this occasion : ‘ Once again the loss of a pilot could be laid at the door of the A.V.M. He was still insisting that the most senior officer led the flight .
7 Some of the confusion can be laid at the door of the word ‘ profitability ’ .
8 In fact , Charles 's highly publicized conversion to vegetarianism can more properly be laid at the door of his former bodyguard , Paul Officer who frequently argued with him during long car journeys about the virtues of a non-meat diet .
9 The blame , she felt , should be laid at the door of ‘ the planners who are playing too safe to the provincial market … ’
10 If I was not similarly open , it is merely because my embarrassments can only be laid at the door of my own folly , and not to the workings of chance . ’
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