Example sentences of "be [verb] on the grounds that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Chadwick v. Chadwick , 22 L.J.Ch. 329 may be explained on the grounds that a trustee , like an agent , can not resist discovery in an action in relation to the property which he is alleged to hold on trust . ’
2 It can not be explained on the grounds that ordinary life is just as tragic ( art is not merely imitation of life ) or by reference to moral feelings or pity and fear .
3 The narrower approach to remoteness of damage in property damage cases could be explained on the grounds that the plaintiff is likely to be insured against such damage and that the extent of the damage in such cases could be great .
4 Real attention to the quite sophisticated concepts with which religion is concerned has tended to be dismissed on the grounds that , apart from a select minority , pupils are incapable of any sustained thought , uninterested in such hypothetical and academically conceived ideas which in any case are mostly of historical interest and irrelevant to the modern world .
5 What stopped me in my tracks was a sentence reading , ‘ The dung beetle program really can not be justified on the grounds that it is cheaper than a horse ’ .
6 Huge cuts in EPA 's research Funds ( down by nearly 50 per cent since Reagan took office ) can perhaps be justified on the grounds that , in hard times , scientific priorities can be temporarily reshuffled with little or no long-term damage .
7 On the other hand , in the case of his daughter and the justification offered for taking her life , it might be argued that , similar acts of violence could be justified on the grounds that the ultimate goal is the redemption of souls .
8 This practice can be justified on the grounds that many narrative pieces , including those related in our extract , were written separately in Germany in 1798–9 ; and so the philosophy can be regarded as a later intrusion .
9 Their answer to the question they pose is to say that education systems are to be justified on the grounds that they develop ‘ intellectual competence that would otherwise go largely undeveloped ’ ( 1978 , p. 4 ) .
10 This emphasis could be justified on the grounds that economics or at least a version of it — lies currently at the heart of government discourse on higher education , but it also reflects the fact that there is more to go on , in terms of information and analysis , with this aspect of the undergraduate curriculum than with the other seven .
11 In some schools , there is a tendency for any work to be justified on the grounds that it is ‘ part of a project ’ rather than because of its educational value .
12 The defence argument was solely that Caldwell could be distinguished on the grounds that in DPP v K there was a gap between the accused 's act and the injury , an argument which the court rejected .
13 Of course these too can be criticized on the grounds that they lack precision , and carry with them built-in biases , impeding both our understanding of our own field experience as well as obstructing cross-cultural understanding .
14 This procedure might be criticized on the grounds that the sample is too small to justify it .
15 To count such comments as these as indicative of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with housework may perhaps be criticized on the grounds that what these women are talking about is not the housework situation , but marriage .
16 However , we have seen that this approach can be criticized on the grounds that the discourse structure of the interview is still present and that attempts to obscure the nature of the speech event are likely to lead in practice to confusion and difficulty .
17 The film could be criticized on the grounds that all of the characters are white , ‘ respectable ’ and economically advantaged .
18 This argument can be criticized on the grounds that a state bureaucracy can not be called a class .
19 It was a sin different in kind from mischief-making and could , in Lydia 's estimation , be excused on the grounds that it was the sexual misbehaviour of another to which she was responding .
20 Let me repeat , in Darcy 's Utopia Church and State will be firmly separated : religious broadcasting will be forbidden on the grounds that it is divisive , racist , sexist , and an incitement to violence as belief structure clashes with belief structure — Christian at the hands of the Jew , Hindu the Muslim , Protestant the Catholic , Sikh of Buddhist , Capitalist of Communist , and of course vice versa — and no doubt the Moonies and the EST-ites will soon be kneecapping one another with a clear conscience .
21 The planning directors of eight companies were contacted , of whom one declined to be interviewed on the grounds that his company did not use environmental scanning .
22 Another line of argument put forward by traditional liberals is that an appeal to the better off can be made on the grounds that the existence of the underclass tends to make our society a less civilized one in which to live .
23 The figures ' significance may , of course , be challenged on the grounds that the number of turns taken by Anderson in the last six scenes , and the length of those turns , is considerably smaller than in the earlier scenes , and we would therefore expect to see fewer performance errors .
24 By a respondent 's notice dated 21 January 1992 the foster mother sought to contend that the judge 's grant of leave under section 10(9) of the Act of 1989 should be affirmed on the grounds that if the Court of Appeal accepted the local authority 's test for the grant of leave to apply under section 10(9) the evidence justified the judge 's order .
25 The construction of large out-of-town shopping developments and isolated housing estates should be opposed on the grounds that they are wasteful of energy resources .
26 Although Hoyle 's model can be criticised on the grounds that the ideal types do not exist , or that many teachers exhibit characteristics from both sides of the model , it nevertheless exposes crucial aspects of the relationships between teachers and the organisations in which they work when used in the heuristic format for which it was intended .
27 Of course , from a strictly scientific viewpoint these individual biographical studies can be criticised on the grounds that they are biased towards rather special cases ; added to which , as Becker points out , such accounts were usually written by clinicians whose professional interest in the abnormal inevitably caused them to focus on signs of pathology .
28 Thus the grandiose Russian proposal to melt the Arctic ice-cap by means of nuclear power may be criticised on the grounds that , since it would produce a new oceanic area ( with increased peripheral precipitation ) in high latitudes , this would result inevitably in another glaciation of Pleistocene proportions .
29 Edwards and Sutcliffe 's use of the " Patois index " can be criticised on the grounds that it does not take into account code-switching behaviour .
30 Anyone who comes to that debate mithering about standing up instead of sitting down or worried about the fate of Aldershot Football Club should be excluded on the grounds that he has not yet understood the difference between the future and tomorrow .
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