Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] the [noun] themselves " in BNC.

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1 There is yet no evidence of permanent production centres in early Anglo-Saxon England , and resort must be made to the objects themselves to determine the structure of the industry .
2 The complaints must be made to the police themselves in the first instance and all subsequent investigations are undertaken by police officers .
3 It has a strong emphasis on specific objectives ( related to a number of vocational choices to be made by the students themselves ) , to cross-curricular skills and to profile-reporting on progress .
4 Letting someone else decide — most often manifest in people applying for a wide range of jobs perhaps with little in , because they are unable to decide which is most appropriate for them and hoping that somehow the right choice will be made by the employers themselves .
5 We are involved in an exercise of partnership through sharing know-how with those republics in a wide variety of different areas , but any changes must necessarily be made by the republics themselves .
6 During a visit to Moscow on Feb. 11-12 by Kohl and Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the West German Foreign Minister , President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union declared that " the unity of the German nation must be decided by the Germans themselves " .
7 Similar patterns of dispersal could be seen on the terraces themselves , with S3 always standing further back than the rest .
8 Glistening wing colours could still be seen after the insects themselves had faded into the blue .
9 However , much can be done by the teachers themselves at very little cost to the department .
10 Sometimes a cake may be sent to school for the children to share ; sharing a cake for a large group of children would not be done by the children themselves , though it might turn into a spontaneous counting activity .
11 Should be done by the children themselves .
12 We think the obligation for doing this should be laid on creditors , but think the cost involved in securing this improvement to their accuracy should be met by the bureaux themselves , as an addition to the fee which they already pay for getting material from the Central Registry .
13 According to the corpuscular theory these secondary ( and tertiary ) qualities arise from the arrangement , the ‘ texture ’ , of the solid , shaped , and mobile corpuscles which constitute gold , and so are not to be attributed to the corpuscles themselves .
14 It has to be performed by the police themselves .
15 He was also one of the first County Advisers to persuade his authority that the impact of original works of art on children was very valuable , and so every year a sum was allotted to buy paintings , drawings , and even pieces of small sculpture , as well as lithographs and engravings , to be used in the schools themselves .
16 It has been designed to be used by the professionals themselves who do not , said Moore Stephens , have the time or inclination to learn about computers but appreciate the efficiency benefits which technology brings to administration .
17 It is pointed out that in many instances much of the needed supporting evidence will have to be produced by the auditors themselves , which in turn will give rise to independence issues .
18 Much of the blame must be borne by the miners themselves .
19 Only one of these provisions ( s23 — which has already been discussed in Chapter 2 ) can not be overridden by the partners themselves .
20 If assistance was needed it should be provided by the courts themselves , by Citizens Advice Bureaux or by similar agencies .
21 Saunders concluded his account by observing that evidence could never be found against the organizers themselves .
22 The cause in both cases appears to be the strength of catholic — nationalist and protestant — loyalist popular consciousness and the way in which the cultural and material interests of the subordinate classes appear to be represented by the alliances themselves and their institutions .
23 Although it may be represented by the participants themselves as ‘ real ’ and ‘ literal ’ , the analyst should not be taken in by appearance which , while necessary for the act of communication , is only an ‘ as if ’ state .
24 Bob Johnston , chief inspector with the Department of Economic Development 's Trading Standards Branch , said : ‘ The Order allows for the selling price to be indicated on the goods themselves , a ticket or notice close to the goods or grouped together with other prices on a list close to the goods to which it refers .
25 However , the cause is still there and has to be removed by the sufferers themselves .
26 At the other extreme , the numbers of bands observed may be used to deduce the symmetry of the molecule responsible for the spectrum , and the force constants corresponding to all the internal vibrations can be deduced from the frequencies themselves using a normal co-ordinate analysis .
27 The conclusion of counsel , with which I agree , was that in this jurisdiction no mechanism has been provided for the assessment of costs and the matter seems to be left to the justices themselves .
28 Barthes 's caveats against recuperation have been most convincingly demonstrated by Stephen Heath ( 1972 ) who is critical of the tendency towards naturalization : the radical experience of the nouveau roman is undermined when the novels are subjected to reductive readings of the psychologizing variety enacted by Morrissette , however much these may be encouraged by the novelists themselves .
29 In some interview-skills courses , videos may be taken of the trainees themselves as they roleplay , and then these are discussed .
30 But rather than repeat the conflicts about poor eating habits which had taken place between the patient and her family before admission , pressure should be taken off the meals themselves , during which patients are encouraged to interact in an appropriate social context .
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