Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unless a watercourse is very small or the pollutant particularly powerful , the natural processes of dilution and purification will often make it very difficult for either proactive or reactive discovery to reveal the existence of pollution soon enough and in sufficient detail for it to be traced to a particular discharger .
2 While every effort is made in our processes , we can not guarantee that every line will be manufacturing on a particular day .
3 Authority may be given for a particular exercise of the power or for its exercise generally ( a distinction of some importance in relation to pre-emptive rights ) and may be unconditional or subject to conditions .
4 Therefore , whereas prescribing budgets will inevitably be set in the aggregate , taking into account local social and epidemiological factors , both PACT and formularies are much more likely to lead the GP to consider why a particular drug , and not an alternative including no drug , should be given in a particular instance .
5 Both teacher-initiated and pupil-initiated assessment questions should be formulated for the particular piece work which incorporates the use of the program .
6 The first of these , the preparation of lessons in sequence will obviously deal with the formulation of learning objectives which can be realised in a particular unit of work .
7 The Prism encoder enables its output to be optimised for a particular target decoder design to maximise image quality at the lowest possible bit rate so that a video-on-demand service provider can minimise central disk storage and maximise use of the available system bandwidth .
8 Eventually , when it comes back to the switchboard , they will know that you 've not answered , and they can say ‘ I 'm sorry , there 's nobody there , would you like to leave a message ’ , in which case , that call will then be diverted to a particular message desk , where they will just take a very brief message which will be passed onto you .
9 While the parent company in a multinational group will necessarily be registered in a particular country and the group headquarters and a preponderance of shareholders may also be located there , in the case of some multinationals it is scarcely any longer appropriate to regard them as having national loyalties .
10 Any other section of the community is to be regarded as a particular class of persons . ’
11 For example , where particular clients agree that their money may be placed with a particular bank with a view to earning a higher rate of interest but correspondingly accepting a greater risk of default by the bank , those clients ' claims will form part of a separate pool consisting of the assets placed with that bank or ( in the case of a designated fund account ) with a group of such banks .
12 Students may be placed at a particular point in the range of modules depending on their competence profile .
13 Early in the development of the scheme , one of the main areas of debate was the question of the scores to be assigned to a particular factor profile .
14 Day-to-day decision making should be assigned to a particular person if this is not carried out by the board member(s) who have overall responsibility for the policy .
15 On acceptance , the proposed visitor will be assigned to a particular research group , and a detailed schedule for the visit will be drawn up by the Co-ordinator and the head of the research group concerned .
16 As the science of the nineteenth century advanced in analytical skills , it became increasingly possible to tie down results to specific plants and the chemicals therein , until a pure chemical could be prescribed for a particular symptom .
17 Each group can then be arranged within a particular shape , such as a rectangle or square , to give added definition .
18 Consents to pollute come in the form of emission or effluent standards which prescribe the temperature , amount , and kind of polluting matter which may be discharged from a particular source .
19 Design can be considered as a particular kind of decision making concerned , inter alia , with relating a society to its technology .
20 Using the special version of the DIM statement to reserve an area of memory is the simplest way for short programs which do not have to be located at a particular memory address .
21 Customs officers , moreover , might be located on a particular station as a favour to burgh councillors , some of whom were not infrequently deeply involved in smuggling , and there is a suspicious insistence in some of the correspondence upon the placing of an individual in a very specific place , particularly in those districts distant from Edinburgh .
22 The philosophers of pragmatism resisted the idea that experience could be frozen at a particular moment in time and analysed in chunks .
23 This has one most significant aspect in that soil conservation is not singled out as a specific and separate problem to be solved by a particular policy — it is conceived of as normal practice and must be incorporated into the business of improving incomes for farmers .
24 The ‘ rule of thirds ’ has been treated as the standard method of division , but other arrangements were sometimes made which might reflect the contractor 's view of the likely profits to be won from a particular campaign .
25 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
26 But such data gain significance only through serving a larger enquiry , for example into how children have a better understanding of a problem ( or person ) through role-play , or how a raw experience may be organised through a particular approach to writing .
27 Movies only needed to be social when the plot demanded it , and even if some kind of political crisis had to be depicted in a particular story then the attitude or position adopted by the movie would be less important to audiences than the logic of the plot .
28 A bank can not predict which of its customers wish to withdraw or deposit money on any given day ; a travel firm can not control which of its package tours will be booked at a particular time .
29 One good reason for studying with a massage school is that you will be taught anatomy and physiology as well as useful techniques for alleviating pain , dealing with injuries , understanding why pain may be occurring in a particular area and even more importantly , when to leave well alone .
30 For example , if reform of the offender or reparation are aims to be pursued in a particular case , this introduces a new element of complexity into the reviewing role of the Court of Appeal .
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